Read an xml file produced by xmltv and use the data to create an m3u playlist and sources file for tvheadend and node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy
Usage: infile.xml
requires XML::LibXML which can be installed as follows:
sudo apt-get install libxml-libxml-perl
sudo yum install "perl(XML::LibXML)"
Edit and change iptvprovider, iptvsource, iptvpre, and iptvpost as needed for your environment.
Install and configure xmltv then produce the channel list file using:
xmltv --config-file myconfig --list-channel --output channels.xml
' channels.xml' will write channels.m3u and channels.json in the same directory as channels.xml. These files can be used as the playlist for a tvheadend IPTV automatic network and the sources file for node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy
Copyright (c) 2017 Jerry Fath
Jerry Fath jerryfath at gmail dot com
MIT License (see source)