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Graylog Collector Sidecar

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Required Graylog version: 2.0 and later + installed graylog-plugin-collector

The Graylog Collector Sidecar is a supervisor process for 3rd party log collectors like NXLog. The Sidecar program is able to fetch configurations from a Graylog server and render them as a valid configuration file for various log collectors. You can think of it like a centralized configuration management system for your log collectors.


Please check our official documentation for more information. Especially the Step-by-Step guide to get the first setup running.


Download a package and install it on the target system.

Beats backend


The Beats binaries (Filebeat and Winlogeventbeat) are included in the Sidecar package. So installation is just one command.

  $ sudo dpkg -i collector-sidecar_0.1.0-1_amd64.deb

Edit /etc/graylog/collector-sidecar/collector_sidecar.yml, you should set at least the correct URL to your Graylog server and proper tags. The tags are used to define which configurations the host should receive.

Create a system service and start it

  $ sudo graylog-collector-sidecar -service install
  $ sudo start collector-sidecar


  $ sudo rpm -i collector-sidecar-0.1.0-1.x86_64.rpm

Activate the Sidecar as a system service

  $ sudo graylog-collector-sidecar -service install
  $ sudo systemctl start collector-sidecar


The Windows installation path changed to C:\Program Files with version 0.0.9, please stop and uninstall former installations before doing the update

  $ collector_sidecar_installer.exe

It's also possible to run the installer in silent mode with

  $ collector_sidecar_installer.exe /S

Edit C:\Program Files\graylog\collector-sidecar\collector_sidecar.yml.

  $ C:\Program Files\graylog\collector-sidecar\graylog-collector-sidecar.exe -service install
  $ C:\Program Files\graylog\collector-sidecar\graylog-collector-sidecar.exe -service start

NXLog backend


Install the NXLog package from the offical download page

  $ sudo /etc/init.d/nxlog stop
  $ sudo update-rc.d -f nxlog remove
  $ sudo gpasswd -a nxlog adm
  $ sudo chown -R nxlog.nxlog /var/spool/collector-sidecar/nxlog
  $ sudo dpkg -i collector-sidecar_0.1.0-1_amd64.deb

Edit /etc/graylog/collector-sidecar/collector_sidecar.ymlaccordingly.

  $ sudo graylog-collector-sidecar -service install
  $ sudo start collector-sidecar


  $ sudo service nxlog stop
  $ sudo chkconfig --del nxlog
  $ sudo gpasswd -a nxlog root
  $ sudo chown -R nxlog.nxlog /var/spool/collector-sidecar/nxlog

  $ sudo rpm -i collector-sidecar-0.1.0-1.x86_64.rpm

Activate the Sidecar as a system service

  $ sudo graylog-collector-sidecar -service install
  $ sudo systemctl start collector-sidecar


The Windows installation path changed to C:\Program Files with version 0.0.9, please stop and uninstall former installations before doing the update

Also notice that the NXLog file input is currently not able to do a SavePos for file tailing, this will be fixed in a future version.

Install the NXLog package from the offical download page and deactive the system service. We just need the binaries installed on that host.

  $ C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\nxlog -u

  $ collector_sidecar_installer.exe

Edit C:\Program Files\graylog\collector-sidecar\collector_sidecar.yml, you should set at least the correct URL to your Graylog server and proper tags.

  $ C:\Program Files\graylog\collector-sidecar\graylog-collector-sidecar.exe -service install
  $ C:\Program Files\graylog\collector-sidecar\graylog-collector-sidecar.exe -service start

Uninstall on Windows

  $ C:\Program Files\graylog\collector-sidecar\graylog-collector-sidecar.exe -service stop
  $ C:\Program Files\graylog\collector-sidecar\graylog-collector-sidecar.exe -service uninstall


Run the Sidecar in foreground mode for debugging purposes. Simply call it like this and look out for error messages:

  $ graylog-collector-sidecar -c /etc/graylog/collector-sidecar/collector_sidecar.yml


There are a couple of configuration settings for the Sidecar:

Parameter Description
server_url URL to the Graylog API, e.g.
update_interval The interval in seconds the sidecar will fetch new configurations from the Graylog server
tls_skip_verify Ignore errors when the REST API was started with a self-signed certificate
send_status Send the status of each backend back to Graylog and display it on the status page for the host
list_log_files Send a directory listing to Graylog and display it on the host status page. This can also be a list of directories
node_id Name of the Sidecar instance, will also show up in the web interface
collector_id Unique ID (UUID) of the instance. This can be an ID string or a path to an ID file
log_path A path to a directory where the Sidecar can store the output of each running collector backend
log_rotation_time Rotate the stdout and stderr logs of each collector after X seconds
log_max_age Delete rotated log files older than Y seconds
tags List of configuration tags. All configurations on the server side that match the tag list will be fetched and merged by this instance
backends A list of collector backends the user wants to run on the target host

Each backend can be enabled/disabled and should point to a binary of the actual collector and a path to a configuration file the Sidecar can write to:

Parameter Description
name The type name of the collector
enabled Weather this backend should be started by the Sidecar or not
binary_path Path to the actual collector binary
configuration_path A path for this collector configuration file Sidecar can write to
run_path (NXLog only) If PidFile is changed in the default-snippet, tell Sidecar about it


  • Clone the repository into your $GOPATH under src/
  • Install the glide package manager
  • run glide install in the collector-sidecar directory
  • (for Go <1.6 export GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1)
  • run make build


There is a collector mock programm in order to use the collector-sidecar without actually running a collector like NXLog. Simply build it with make misc und use the option binary_path: misc/nxmock/nxlog.


Manage log collectors through Graylog



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  • Go 95.4%
  • Makefile 2.9%
  • Ruby 1.1%
  • Shell 0.6%