This template is a starting point for building a Grafana Data Source Plugin for Red Hat Insights. The content is based on the article "Integrate Grafana and Red Hat Insights through APIs" published on the Red Hat Blog.
- Build a data source plugin tutorial
- Grafana documentation
- Grafana Tutorials - Grafana Tutorials are step-by-step guides that help you make the most of Grafana
- Grafana UI Library - UI components to help you build interfaces using Grafana Design System
Plugin import:
Plugin configuration:
Sample query on Insights APIs (method passed as query parameter e.g. advisor):
Dashboard overview:
The code provided must be compiled before it can be recognized by Grafana. The following commands may be adapted for your particular Grafana environment:
# nvm install
# mkdir /var/lib/grafana/plugins/
# cd /var/lib/grafana/plugins/
Extract the redhat-insights github files into redhat-insights
# cd /var/lib/grafana/plugins/redhat-insights
# npm install --global yarn
# yarn install --ignore-engines
# yarn build
In order to allow unsigned plugin in your Grafana environment, /etc/grafana/grafana.ini
configuration file must be modified:
app_mode = development
enable_alpha = true
allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = "redhat-insights"
Make sure your start or restart your Grafana environment after these changes:
# sudo systemctl restart grafana-server
You can then login in your Grafana environment and configure the redhat-insights
plugin by adding a datasource under Home > Administration > Plugins and data > Plugins
The provided sample dashboard can also be imported manually under Dashboards using /provisioning/dashboard/dashboard.json