🌱 I’m currently learning React Native and Java
👨💻 My personal page is located at (https://jeremyqzt.github.io/)
💬 Ask me about Python, Django/Flask, NodeJS, React, C/C++ or anything!
❤️ Husband to my beautiful wife Melody
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
🧾 Ribbon Receipts (https://ribbonreceipts.com)
⭕ Reversi (https://playreversi.net/)
💔 Offensive Hearts (https://offensivehearts.com/)
🖼️ Spatial Filter (https://spatialfilter.com/)
📊 Node Stats (https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jeremyqzt/nodestats)
Ribbon Receipts - an app to store receipts (Web) (App Store)
Ribbon Memeos - an RN app to coarsely remember events (Github)