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Presentation slides about Angular 2.

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  • Intro
  • Why Angular 2?
    • Performance
      • Mobile Web (low horsepower, battery life)
      • No dirty checking
      • No $scope watchers
      • Uni-directional data flow (e.g. no two-way binding)
        • Use Zones.js to detect changes (by scope)
    • Web standards
      • Classes
      • Modules
      • Web Components
        • Custom elements (custom events, properties, etc.)
        • Avoid ng-* attributes in favor of a more flexible syntax that "just works" e.g. ng-click, ng-change e.g. ng-src, ng-href

Angular 2 is component-based

  • What is a component?
  • No difference between native elements, web components and Angular components

Use a concrete example to explain, rather than describing in words. e.g. video-player component

Web Components

  • Custom Elements
  • Shadow DOM
  • HTML Imports
  • Component API

    • Properties - state of the component

      • Methods - behavior of the component
      • Events - notifies listeners of state changes

      !!! These are not affected by the (visual) template !!!

  • Logical

    • Written in JavaScript
    • Controllers, Services, etc.
    • Nested Components
  • Visual

    • Template (View)
      • Look n' feel

      • Describes how a component should be rendered

      • Single component may have multiple templates e.g. Mobile vs. Desktop e.g. Bootstrap vs. Foundation

      • Shadow DOM

        • Enforces logical separation between components
      • The internal structure of the component is hidden (encapsulated)

        • All interactions use (logical) Component API
        • e.g. .select(), .selected = false
        • e.g. You can't use jQuery or DOM selector APIs to modify internal elements

Template Syntax

  • Highly recommended: Keynote by Misko Hevery (ng-conf 2015)
  • Examples
    • String literal (supports interpolation via {{ }}) ...

    • Property binding <panel [title]="title">...

    • Event binding <button (click)="addItem($event)">

  • Advanced Topics
    • Pipes e.g. {{ name | uppercase }}

      • Replaces filters in Angular v1
    • Ref binding <input #name />

    • Microsyntax e.g. *ng-for

    • Templates e.g. *ng-for *ng-if

      • Replaces compile/link
    • Transclusion

      • No special $scope handlers required
      • Use tags to "transclude" content
      • Supports multiple child templates e.g.

Angular Components

  • No $scope!
  • ES6 Classes (preferred syntax)
  • Annotations
    • Components e.g. ...

      • Triggered via CSS Selector, usually a custom tag name
      • Only one component (per HTML Element) is allowed
    • Views

      • Must be paired with a component
      • Provides the template used to render the component
      • Supports multiple templates per component for flexible rendering
    • Directives e.g.

      • Triggered via CSS Selector, usually an attribute
      • Not a stand-alone component, does not have a View counterpart
      • Extends the behavior of an existing component (or native element)
      • Multiple Directives are allowed
    • Dependency Injection

      • Dependencies declared by imported type, not by key
      • No shared $scope between directives
        • Alternatively, inject components using imported type and @Parent + @Ancestor + @Self annotations
      • Use @Provide annotation to replace services at run-time
        • Replaces _module.decorator(...) in Angular v1


  • No two-way data binding
  • Use FormBuilder to define form fields


  • ???

What's missing?

  • angular.module(...)
  • $scope
  • Two-way data binding
  • Controllers
  • DDO (Directive Definition Object)
  • Transclusion

Other stuff

  • Browser support
  • Resources: links to docs, Github issues, Gitter channel, etc.


Presentation slides about Angular 2.







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