Chugging along in my final semester as a University of Colorado undergraduate in computer science, I had my world rocked when my 2013 Macbook Pro mysteriously lost its start-up disk. After much effort to retrieve the data off my hard drive and avoid catastrophic failure, I discovered that in face saving my computer without professional intervention was in fact impossible. Not wishing to pay for an Apple Genuis to fix things, I chose intead to switch my development environment to a spare laptop running Windows that I had.
Now note, I've spent a mere 6 months in my 22 years of life with Windows as my primary operating system (or even commonly used at all). It took me a good week of time to get this Windows machine up and running in the same way I had my Mac set up (and even then, I made some sacrifices in functionality). This made me think, "Wouldn't it be great if there was a collection of all resources required to quickly switch development environments?"
Hence, the birth of macWindows. Now, switch with ease between either environment, with no fear of the heart-wrenching ramp up.
A project for the University of Colorado course CSCI 4380 - Open Source Software Development
Intreseted in contributing? Please see CONTRIBUTING.
- Jessica Petty