On this GitHub repo, you will find all of the lessons that are part of the R4Beginners website
- Click on the green Code button
- Select Download Zip
- Unzip the folder and save the r4begginers-lessons folder somewhere safe on your local computer
- Open the folder
- Double click on the r4beginners-lesson file (it's the one with the blue R cube)
- This will automatically open RStudio
- In the files pane, you'll see all the .Rmd lessons
- Open whichever .Rmd lesson that you want to work on!
Note - if you come across a package that you have never used before, you'll have to install it using the install.packages()
- The .Rmd files contain the code to each of the different lessons
- If you wish to work through the lessons on your own computer, these are the files you'll be working with
- The .html files also contain the lessons, but if you open any of the html files it will open the lesson in a new browser rather than open up in RStudio