The purpose of this challenge is to develop a script that is able to take stock market data from a given year and produce two summary tables, one which summarizes each stock for that year, and one which finds the stocks with the greatest percent increase, the greatest percent decrease, and the greatest total stock volume for that year
Create a script that loops through all of the stocks for one year and outputs the following information:
- The ticker symbol
- Yearly change from the opening price at the beginning of a given year to the closing price at the end of that year
- The percentage change from the opening price at the beginning of a given year to the closing price at the end of htat year
- The total stock volume of the stock
Write your script to include a second output table that contains the following information:
- Greatest percent increase (and ticker symbol)
- Greatest percent decrease (and ticker symbol)
- Greatest total volume (and ticker symbol)
Ensure the code is written such that it can run on each worksheet of a given workbook.
DataTell, VBA-Challenge, (2020), GitHub repository,
Data for this dataset was generated by edX Boot Camps LLC, and is intended for educational purposes only.