This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 10, 2023. It is now read-only.
Crowd 2 Plugin 3.1.2
What's Changed
- [Improvement] Remove deprecations. acegisecurity -> springframework by @DuMaM in #65
- [Improvement] Remove reported form SonarCode code smells by @DuMaM in #67
- [JENKINS-62291] [JENKINS-53677] [JENKINS-27682] [Bugfix] Update email property is working now @DuMaM in #66
- [Improvement] Use consistent way of logging by @DuMaM in #68
- Bump findsecbugs-plugin from 1.10.1 to 1.12.0 by @dependabot in #70
- Bump bom-2.303.x from 1246.va_b_50630c1d19 to 1342.v729ca_3818e88 by @dependabot in #69
- [JENKINS-68459] [JENKINS-68410] [Bugfix] Prepare Crowd 2 Integration for removal of JAXB and Java 11 requirement by @basil in #72 and by @ikedam in #71
New Contributors
Were are other releases <= 3.1.2?
After migration of acegisecutiry, this plugin needed some additional fixes.
To easily track progress of those my work, I was bumping version every important change or fix.
For some users crowd2 is quite important part of they CI, and I didn't want to ruin their job.
That's why those versions weren't released.
From now on I will release this in normal manner.
Full Changelog: crowd2-2.2.0...crowd2-3.1.2