This is a simple tool to reuse the data from OpenGeoDb in the graph database Neo4j which feels like a better fit for such hierarchically linked data than MySQL.
It reads in OpenGeoDb data in tabular form and uses it to create a Neo4j database.
The tool requires Java 7 to compile and run.
The project comes with a maven pom.xml
file. Simply do a mvn install
to build from source.
The result is a jar with dependencies in the target
directory. The jar is executable.
First, we need the opengeodb tab delimited data files for Germany and for its postal codes.
We also need to define for ourselves a neo4j target directory. A whole new data directory will be created here.
mkdir opengeodb-neo
Assuming we have downloaded these into our working directory, we can then run the program that creates us a neo4j database.
java -jar target/opengeodb2neo4j-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -n opengeodb-neo -p -z
Note that passing in the option -h
gives more details on the options.
Running the command as above results in some logging to the console and, after a bit of work, the creation of a neo4j datastore in the specified directory.
Now, assuming that we have downloaded the Neo4j 2.0 distribution and extracted it, we can now simply link in the datastore we created earlier.
Edit the NEO4J_HOME/conf/
file and set the org.neo4j.server.database.location
property to the opengeodb-neo
directory specified above.
Then start the neo4j database as per the documentation.
The OpenGeoDb website has a number of examples which show how to query the MySQL database (and which are, incidentally, a good demonstration of why a graph database is a better match for the data set).
match (oberammergau:Place { NAME:'Oberammergau' }) return oberammergau
Selections on properties by type (placed into the corresponding tables) are then not really very interesting.
match (berlin:Place { NAME:'Berlin'}) return berlin.TYPE, berlin.LOC_ID
This returns us three nodes, as per the OpenGeoDb examples. Note that the tab data already has the types of place calculated, so that there is no need to consider the abstract "Politische Gliederung".
match (berlin:Place { NAME:'Berlin', LOC_ID:14356}) return berlin
The example also gives us the postal codes of the city, so lets get those as well.
MATCH (berlinplz:PostalCode)-[:`POSTAL_CODE_FOR`]->(berlin:Place {NAME:'Berlin'}) RETURN berlinplz
match (landkreis:Place {TYPE:'Landkreis'}) return landkreis.LOC_ID, landkreis.NAME, landkreis.NUMBER_PLATE_CODE
This gives relatively few results - an indication that the TAB data has suffered some form of data loss in the extraction process from the SQL database.
MATCH (placeInPinnebergPlz:PostalCode)-[:`POSTAL_CODE_FOR`]-(placeInPinneberg:Place)-[:`PART_OF`]->(pinneberg:Place {NAME:'Pinneberg'}) RETURN placeInPinneberg.LOC_ID, placeInPinnebergPlz.POSTAL_CODE, placeInPinneberg.NAME, placeInPinneberg.TYPE, placeInPinneberg.DIALING_CODE, placeInPinneberg.POPULATION
Note that Elmshorn has 3 postal codes.