Install MYSQL Database Table name must be the same as Model name : product You can also use the table schema as mentioned in file /etl/Common/tables_schema.sql $ mysql -u username -p database_name < ../etl/Common/tables_schema.sql
Else You can create table by using below mentioned Query: CREATE TABLE product(id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, product_name varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, product_category varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, short_description varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, room_id INT DEFAULT NULL, location_id varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id));
- Create python3.6 virtual environment. virtualenv venv --python==python3.6
- Install packages from requirements.txt. pip install -r requirements.txt
Please go to in /etl/sales directory and open sales.conf file.
Go line no 46 - db section
Set Database Name Set username Set password Set host
Go line no 8,9,10 - Main Section
Set local_directory Set working_directory Set destination_directory
Go line no 61 - email Section
Set sender_email Set receiver_email Set subject Set password
Go line no 26 - sftp_server
Set sftp_host Set sftp_username Set sftp_password Set remote_data_directory
Cron Job Setup Need to create CRONTAB by using command crontab -e Add in file :
- sh (location of file) >> /home/jeenal/etl.log eg. 0 0 * * * sh /home/jeenal/ >> /home/jeenal/etl.log