author : Tomokazu HIRAI, twitter id : @jedipunkz
This is chef repository for sensu monitoring system. Sensu is monitoring system which we can view/controll monitoring items and events. This repository includes chef roles, data bags, Berksfile for berkshelf.
get this repository.
% git clone git:// ~/sensu-chef-repo
make ssl keys for sensu server and client, then put data to data bags of chef.
% cd ~/sensu-chef-repo/data_bags/ssl
% ./ generate
% knife data bag create sensu
% knife data bag from file sensu ./ssl.json
put monitoring item to data bag of chef. example item is here.
% cd ~/sensu-chef-repo/
% knife data bag create sensu_checks
% knife data bag from file sensu_checks data_bags/sensu_checks/proc_cron.json
proc_cron.json : monitoring cron process item.
"id": "proc_cron",
"command": "check-procs.rb -p cron -C 1",
"subscribers": [
"interval": 10
get cookbooks by berkshelf.
% berks install --path ./cookbooks/
upload chef roles to chef server.
% knife role from file roles/sensu-client.rb # this is needed for deploying sensu-client
% knife role from file roles/sensu-server.rb
edit "master_address" to sensu-server's IP address.
% ${EDITOR} cookbooks/monitor/attributes/default.rb
default["monitor"]["master_address"] = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
upload cookbooks to chef server.
workstation% knife cookbook upload -a
bootstrap sensu-server for deploying.
% knife bootstrap <server-ip> -N <server-name> -r 'role[sensu-server]' -x root -i <secret-key>
access to dashboard : http://:8080, user account is here.
% knife bootstrap <client-ip> -N <client-name> -r 'role[sensu-client]' -x root -i <secret-key>
sensu-client process will connect sensu-server's rabbitmq-server and check it self and report to sensu-server.
create such json file.
% ${EDITOR} data_bags/sensu_checks/proc_nginx.json
"id": "proc_cron",
"command": "check-procs.rb -p ngins -w 5 -c 10",
"subscribers": [
"interval": 10
We can controll subscribers by chef role's name. so if you want separate some group of subscribers, you can it by separeting chef role name.
put data to chef data bags.
% knife data bag from file data_bags/sensu_checks/proc_nginx.json