WSL-Installer - or "InstallWSL.exe" - is a free, open-source script converted to an EXE file that makes enabling the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) easy, simple, and fast, utillizing the utility of Powershell to perform the installation commands.
To install, simply download the InstallWSL.exe file at and run as a regular program in Windows 10. Requires elevation/administrative privileges in order to install WSL.
Notice: If you have an anti-malware or anti-virus solution running on your PC, WSL-Installer may run into problems, as WLS-Installer relies on running a batch script to install the runtime. You may want to consider temporarily disabling any and all anti-malware and anti-virus solutions while running this product.
Source code is available for free within this Git under the "Original BAT File" subdirectory (