Neovim remote plugin to do syntax highlighting in a separate process using pygments
I have a file called
that I'm using as a test python file to see how the highlighting works.
Start up a tmux session, which by default should have its pane identifier be "0:1.1", assuming no other tmux windows are open (this may also vary with your tmux config).
Inside this window, run
while true; do NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS=/tmp/nvim nvim; done
Add these autocommands to your init.vim
augroup Neosyntax
autocmd VimLeavePre * UpdateRemotePlugins
autocmd BufEnter syntax off | HighlightBuffer
autocmd BufWritePost call system("tmux send-keys -t '0:1.1' 'ZQ'")
augroup END
Open up
from this plugin, and whenever you write to it, the neovim instance with the
test file open should run :UpdateRemotePlugins
, quit, reopen, and then run :HighlightBuffer
, which currently is the command that will highlight the file using pygments. This allows for very quick and easy debugging.
will open up an ipython3
console that automatically loads pygments and connects to a neovim instance listening to a socket at /tmp/nvim
. This is useful for quickly testing out the API.
takes one filename as an argument, and will print out the tokens found in the file.