Utility class for creating Excel spreadsheets from data stored in xml files under the res/xml Android project resources folder. The spreadsheets are stored in external storage under the folder ResourceSpreadsheets. The Excel documents are created using the JExcel Api found at http://jexcelapi.sourceforge.net/
Primary use is for creating a spreadsheet with to consolidate similarly named fields listed in different Android resource files into one Excel spreadsheet. The source files should be placed in the project res/xml folder. Corresponding data from each file will be packaged into a spreadsheet under column names specified by the user.
As an example, an Android application can have strings.xml files for different locales(res/values/strings/strings.xml, res/values-es/strings/strings.xml, res/values-fr/strings.xml). If we would like a spreadsheet listing all of the translations side by side, under columns named English, Spanish and French, the xml files will copied, renamed and placed into the res/xml/ folder:
res/values/strings/strings.xml -> res/xml/strings-default.xml res/values-es/strings/strings.xml -> res/xml/strings-spanish.xml res/values-fr/strings/strings.xml -> res/xml/strings-french.xml
In our source code, the spreadsheet creation will then proceed as follows.
List<SpreadsheetUtils.TranslationSet> translationSetList = new ArrayList<>();
translationSetList.add(new SpreadsheetUtils.TranslationSet(R.xml.strings-default, "English"));
translationSetList.add(new SpreadsheetUtils.TranslationSet(R.xml.strings-spanish, "Spanish"));
translationSetList.add(new SpreadsheetUtils.TranslationSet(R.xml.strings-french, "French"));
final String outputFileName = "translations.xls";
new SpreadsheetUtils.StringResourcesSpreadsheetTask(InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext(),