webstore is a RESTful data store for tabular and table-like data. It can be used as a dynamic storage for table data, allowing filtered, partial or full retrieval and format conversion.
Install the code and requirements (you may wish to create a virtualenv first):
# install webstore code pip install -e .
Run the web server:
python webstore/web.py
Run tests (start server first!):
python test/test_rest.py
Documentation on the API is in doc/index.rst
and on Read The Docs (http://webstore.readthedocs.org/en/latest/).
TODO: Specify how to delegate authenatication to user database in some other system.
We could implement ScraperWikis RPC API as an extension in order to allow scrapers to write to the store directly:
Alternatively, we could implement a 'slurper' that downloads ScraperWiki result data and loads it into webstore.