This repo is being archived. It was written for v1 of the API (which shipped with Metasys Server 10). It may be updated at a future date to show how to use the API with a newer version.
All of the lessons in this repository take advantage of the latest version of .Net
You can run the examples directly from the command line using dotnet
command, or
in Visual Studio.
You will need
- .NET Core 2.1
- A Text Editor (optional)
- Git (optional)
You also need credentials for and access to a Metasys Server.
All of the tutorials assume you are going to run the apps using .Net Core so this is the recommend approach.
Follow the .NET Core Guide from Microsoft to download .NET Core 2.1 and see how to create your first app.
You can use what ever text editor you want if you are simply going to be reading the code.
If you plan to edit or debug the code, it is recommend you install Visual Studio Code. Then follow the Working with C# Guide by Microsoft. It explains how to get started with C# in Visual Studio Code.
If you already have a recent version of Visual Studio you can use that as well.
Setting up git is outside the scope of this tutorial. There are lots of great resources at the Git website including downloads and documentation.
Git isn't required to follow along so you can skip it if you wish.
If you wish you can just browse the tutorials in your browser. Simply click on the folders for each lesson. Each of them includes a Program.cs file with code and a README that explains the code.
However, it is recommended that you download the repository. When you do that you can run each program, debug each one, and even modify it to explore the API.
If you have git installed simply clone the repository. Open a command prompt, change directory to a convenient location to store code and issue the clone command.
git clone
GitHub allows you to download a zip file containing a snapshot of current file. The archive for this repo is found at
You can also click the Clone or download button, and then the Download Zip button.
Then you can unzip the archive and browse the code and tutorials.
Each program can be run exactly the same way using the dotnet run
Each program requires that you supply a usernmae, password and hostname for your
Metasys server.
To run them open a console. Change directory to a lesson and type the following
dotnet run username password hostname
Self signed certificatess. If you client computer doesn't trust the certificate on your Metasys server the program will fail to run. You'll see an exception similar to the following:
Unhandled Exception: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception. ---> System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure'
To fix this issue you must obtain a copy of the certificate from the server and import into your trusted certifidate store.
- There are various ways of getting a copy of the certificate. Follow the steps at this stackoverflow question: (Note: It is you responsibility to verify the certificate before marking it as trusted. Consult your Metasys administrator if you have questions about the validity of your certificate.)
- Mark them as trusted in your OS. On a windows client computer you can following the instructions in Appendix: Certificate Management of See the section entitled Importing Root and Intermediate Certificates