This are the materials for training advanced topics in LaTeX. It was originally designed for the unofficial "Workshop on intermediate and advance topics in LaTeX", so it is expected that you have already head some experiences with LaTeX and thus you do not require elementary guidelines.
- combining latex documents from pieces
- table of contents and other automatically generated lists
- counters
- multipanel figures
- flowcharts and schematics
- code highlights
- tables: importing and formatting
- macros
To start with this LaTeX training, you need following:
- LaTeX compiler (editting online on overleaf is also OK)
- PDF viewer
Furthermore, for some of the tasks you also need:
- installed latexdiff
To start with the training,
- Open day1latex.tex and compile (with PdfLatex or some built-in command).
- All the further instructions for the modification of the file are in the compiled document. Follow them.
- Once you are finished, continue with day2latex.tex and compile. Again, all the further instructions for the modification of the file are in the compiled document. Follow them.
The example of compiled PDFs are located in the folder compiled (Please note that the the compiled pdfs are updated only occasionally.)
This workshop was originally designed for the unofficial "Workshop on intermediate and advance topics in LaTeX" for InScAPE research group at the Institut of Geophysics and Meteorology, Univeristy of Cologne.
Further edits reflect questions that followed after the workshop.