This application will allow you to Split & Compress files in parts:
- At least JDK 8
- Compile the project with the following command:
mvn clean install
- The project is a Maven application, you can run inside of your ide or from terminal with the following command:
java -classpath cmd-zipper-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.jcalvopinam.CmdZipperApplication
The application will show something like this:
- Complete according to the Menu
Please choose an option: 1
Please enter the full file path:
- Full path file:
- Split in volumes of (size) in MB, for example, to set 10MB just enter 10
Please enter the size file (MB) to split: 10
- Wait while the process ends
Please wait while the file is split:
Ended process!
Please choose an option: 2
Please enter the full path of the first part:
- The application assumes that all parts of the files are in the same folder, so here you must enter the full path of the first file. For example:
- The application will find all parts of the files. Wait while the process ends.
File found:
File found:
File found:
Please wait while the files are joined:
Ended process!
Please choose an option: 0
- The application will close