Method for reducing number of uninformative calls in non-invasive prenatal testing.
Detailed description of statistical models is in preprint manuscript.
Scripts were tested on following configuration
Python3 3.5.2
R 3.2.3
Python requires libraries
numpy (1.11.3)
pandas (0.19.2)
rpy2 (2.8.6)
Train parameters
python3 --help
usage: [-h] train_dir param_file
Trains parameters for FL a NCV models.Parameters are then utilized in the script to infer predictions for aneuploidy of diagnosed fetus
positional arguments:
train_dir Directory with TSV count files for sample with healthy euploid
fetus. All files with ".tsv" suffix in the directory would be
used for training. Count file contains the corrected number or
reads for each assumed fragment length (50-220, organised in
columns) and autosomes (chr1..chr22, organised in rows)
param_file Output YAML file with trained parameters
Evaluate sample
python3 --help
usage: [-h] counts param_file
Calculates standard and FL-based score for diagnosed sampleand predicts
diagnosis, i.e. positive, false positive, uninformative, negative
positional arguments:
counts TSV file with the corrected number or reads for each assumed
fragment length (50-220, organised in columns) and autosomes
(chr1..chr22, organised in rows)
param_file YAML file with trained parameters (output of the
Set of test files is located at the examples/ directory.
First train parameters
python3 example/train example/my_params.yaml
Output file example/my_params.yaml should correspond to the pre-computed parameters in example/parameters.yaml.
Now use trained parameters to predict trisomy of chromosome 13, 18 and 21.
Healthy samples should have resulting scores lower than 2.5.
python3 example/test/neg.tsv example/my_params.yaml
Trisomic samples should have scores of affected chromosomes higher than 4.
python3 example/test/t21.tsv example/my_params.yaml
Samples with uninformative score of the NCV method between 2.5 and 4 may be resolved by combination of other methods (SZ+FL).
python3 example/test/unf.tsv example/my_params.yaml
If you find the method useful, please cite
Budis J, Gazdarica J, Radvanszky J, Szucs G, Kucharik M, Strieskova L, Gazdaricova I, Harsanyova M, Duris F, Minarik G, Sekelska M. Innovative method for reducing uninformative calls in non-invasive prenatal testing. arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.08552. 2018 Jun 22.