This project is a C library adaptation that can communicate with Daikin Altherma through LAN Ethernet adapter BRP069A61 or BRP069A62.
This is designed for embedded devices, but can be applied in any C/C++ project.
Project has been verified in practice with W5500-EVB-Pico, FRDM-K64F and Windows 11.
The following is an example of how to communicate with the Daikin device.
#include "libdaikin.h"
daikin_t daikin = { 0 };
daikin_device_info_t info = { 0 };
if (daikin_open(&daikin) == false)
puts("daikin_open error!");
if (daikin_get_device_info(&daikin, &info) == false)
puts("daikin_get_device_info error!");
printf("Outdoor Temperature: %.1f\n", info.outdoor_temp);
printf("Indoor Temperature: %.1f\n", info.indoor_temp);
printf("Leaving Water Temperature: %.1f\n", info.leaving_water_temp);
printf("Target Temperature Mode: %s\n", info.temp_mode == TM_UNKNOWN ? "UNKNOWN" : info.temp_mode == TM_TARGET ? "TARGET_TEMPERATURE" : "TARGET_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET");
printf("Target Temperature: %u\n", info.temp_target);
printf("Target Temperature Offset: %d\n", info.temp_offset);
printf("Power State: %s\n", info.power_state == PS_UNKNOWN ? "UNKNOWN" : info.power_state == PS_ON ? "ON" : "STANDBY");
printf("Emergency State: %d\n", info.emergency_state);
printf("Error State: %d\n", info.error_state);
printf("Warning State: %d\n", info.warning_state);
if (daikin_set_temp_offset(&daikin, 2) == false)
puts("daikin_set_temp_offset error!");
if (daikin_set_temp_target(&daikin, 21) == false)
puts("daikin_set_temp_target error!");
if (daikin_set_power_state(&daikin, daikin_power_state_t::PS_ON) == false)
puts("daikin_set_power_state error!");
Depending on your configuration, your Daikin device may use one of these temperature modes/set points.
- Desired room temperature (TM_TARGET)
- Relative value based on weather-dependent curve (TM_OFFSET)
To prevent errors, you need to use only the appropriate functions for your current temperature mode.
- daikin_set_temp_offset (TM_OFFSET)
- daikin_set_temp_target (TM_TARGET)
Use and compile all the files that work on any platform from src
and include
The files that depend on the platform are in src/platform
You should only use and compile the files that match your platform.
If you want to support a new platform, you need to write the HAL specific functions.
Look at the include/daikin_hal.h
file for more information.
bool daikin_hal_tcp_open(daikin_hal_tcp_t* const tcp); // true => success
int32_t daikin_hal_tcp_read(const daikin_hal_tcp_t* const tcp, char* const data, uint16_t len); // Returns > 0 => success
int32_t daikin_hal_tcp_write(const daikin_hal_tcp_t* const tcp, const char* const data, uint16_t len); // Returns > 0 => success
void daikin_hal_tcp_close(daikin_hal_tcp_t* const tcp);
- Version Next
- Added CMakeLists.txt
- Version 1.0.0 - Initial Version. Code complete and tested.
This module has been successfully tested with following unites:
- Daikin HVAC controller BRP069A62
If you want to contribute to this project, please contact me.
I'm happy to include your contributions, new features, bug fixes, new platforms, etc.
This project was inspired by this one:
Dotnet version of the library is available here: