- F1 Score
- Pearson Correlation
- Covariance
- Standard Deviation
- Variance
- Expected Value
- Logistic Regression
- Inclusion exclusion principle
- Binomial coefficient
- Permutations
- Multinomial coefficients
- Multinomial theorem
- Mersenne Prime
- Bernouilli number
- Riemann zeta function
- Weierstrass factorization theorem
- conjecture
- sum
- series
- summation
- Cauchy-Schwartz inequality
- Pythagorean means
- Stirling approximation
- Dialetheism
- Braess paradox
- Nash equilibrium
- Wormhole
- Minkowski space
- Universe model
- Tachyonic antitelephone
- Alcubierre drive
- Hawking radiation
- Black hole information paradox
- String theory
- Brownian motion
- Exotic matter
- Primary colors
- additive: RGB
- substractive: CMY
- Frequency
- Audible: 20Hz - 20kHz
- Microwave oven: 2.45GHz
- Wifi: 802.11 standard allows: 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz, 3.6 GHz, 4.9 GHz, 5 GHz, 5.9 GHz and 60 GHz
- Visible light: 400THz - 789 THz (380nm - 750nm)
- Power
- Incandescent lightbulb: ~60W
- Oven: ~2.4kW
- Car engine: ~112kW (150hp)
- Wind turbine: ~2.5MW
- Train engine: ~4.5MW (6000hp)
- Nuclear plant: ~1GW
- Units
- T(K) = T(°C) + 273.15
- 1 mechanical horspower = 745.7 Watt
- Religion
- Epidemics
- Antonine Plague 5-10 million Roman Empire, 165-180 AD
- Plague of Justinian Byzantine Empire, 541-542 AD, 40-50% Europe population
- Black death 14th century, 30-60% Europe population
- Great Plague of Marseille Bubonic plague, France 1720
- Spanish flu 1918, 17-50 million Worldwide
- 2009 flu pandemic Swine flu, 150-575k Worldwide
- Famous people
- Ignas Semmelweis 1847 - Handwashing before giving birth
- Hannie Schaft WW2 women resistance fighter
- Knights Templar
- Augur
- France History
- Francs
- Mérovingiens (5th - 8th century)
- Carolingiens (751-987)
- Capétiens
- Francs
- Photosynthesis
- Classification
- Invertebrate: insects, arachnids, molluscs, crustaceans, corals, velvet worms, horseshoe crabs, others (jellyfish, echniderms, sponges etc)
- Arthropod: an invertebrate animal having an exoskeleton, a segmented body, and paired jointed appendages.
- Disease
- Influenza / Grippe
- Swine influenza / Grippe porcine
- Cholera
- Measles / Rougeole
- Smallpox / Variole
- Plague / Peste
- Bubonic plague
- Septicemic plague
- Pneumonic plague
- Dengue fever
- Ebola
- Puerperal fever
- Chilling injury
- Extinct Species
- Geologic Time Scale
- Milankovitch cycles
- Petrichor
- Hyper threading
- Ant colony optimization algorithms
- Neural network
- Generative adversarial network
- Monte Carlo method
- Dimensionality reduction
- HyperLogLog
- Machine Learning cheat sheet
- Data Science cheat sheet