Please consider using fpart from martymac. Inspired by packo, fpart is a much more powerful tool, written in C.
packo is a simple program from a very specific need : I needed to transfer multiple terabytes of data using rsync. In my environment (file server, connectivity, etc...) I can use multiple rsync in parallel to improve the throughput but didn't want to think about what data each rsync should transfer, that's why i wrote this program. it may be of interest to you.
It gathers file size information recursively given a path and splits the whole list in sets of approximatively equal size using a greedy algorithm with a hack. Oups, i should say "heuristic".
By default, the program just output what it can do. For example, i want to build 5 sets of files from /usr/share/ :
$ python /usr/share/doc 5
11202/11202, 220.7 MBytes (Memsize: 1.1 MBytes)
Pack 0: 44.1 MBytes / 2239 files
Pack 1: 44.1 MBytes / 2240 files
Pack 2: 44.1 MBytes / 2239 files
Pack 3: 44.1 MBytes / 2240 files
Pack 4: 44.1 MBytes / 2244 files
You can see that there are 11202 files here and the process requires approximatively 1.1 MBytes of memory to run. I print this information because my implementation is simple : i'm building the full files list in memory. It shouldn't be a concern for most usage. In this example, each set of files is about 44 MBytes.
If a want to write the list of files, i just add a filename name :
$ python /usr/share/doc 5 mylistoffiles
11202/11202, 220.7 MBytes (Memsize: 1.1 MBytes)
Pack 0: 44.1 MBytes / 2239 files
Pack 1: 44.1 MBytes / 2240 files
Pack 2: 44.1 MBytes / 2239 files
Pack 3: 44.1 MBytes / 2240 files
Pack 4: 44.1 MBytes / 2244 files
It will write 5 files that can be used with the rsync '--files-from' option :
$ head mylistoffiles*
==> mylistoffiles0 <==
==> mylistoffiles1 <==
==> mylistoffiles2 <==
==> mylistoffiles3 <==
==> mylistoffiles4 <==
If you try to relaunch the command line, the program will exit to prevent overwriting :
$ python /usr/share/doc 5 mylistoffiles
'mylistoffiles0' already exists, aborting.
Nothing magic or very interesting here :)
Just for fun :
$ python /usr 42 out
112950/112950, 3.7 Gbytes (Memsize: 12.0 MBytes)
Pack 0: 134.2 MBytes / 1 files
Pack 1: 88.0 MBytes / 2592 files
Pack 2: 88.0 MBytes / 2612 files
Pack 3: 88.0 MBytes / 2655 files
Pack 4: 88.0 MBytes / 2655 files
Pack 5: 88.0 MBytes / 2655 files
Pack 6: 88.0 MBytes / 2655 files
Pack 7: 88.0 MBytes / 2655 files
Pack 8: 88.0 MBytes / 6802 files
Pack 41: 88.0 MBytes / 2657 files
$ cat out0
$ ls -h /usr/share/icons/oxygen/icon-theme.cache
$ ls -lh /usr/share/icons/oxygen/icon-theme.cache
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 135M Sep 30 20:54 /usr/share/icons/oxygen/icon-theme.cache
python>=2.6 (including python 3)