Study Notes - SOFTWARE TESTING of Maynooth Universtiy by Dr. Joe Timoney
- Analysis of SW / spec that informs the test
- Identify test coverage items
- Identify test cases
- Verify test design to ensure completeness
- Implementation of tests
- Execution of tests
- Examination of test results
The bank customer enters how much money is deposited (represented as an integer) in a bank savings account. Based on the amount of money, the different interest rates are displayed:
a) 0.3% interest rate if the amount is between €1 and €100.
b) 0.5% interest rate if the amount is between €101 and €1000.
c) 0.7% interest rate if the amount is above €1000.
The initial balance of the account is €0 because of a lack of information. The deposited amount must be a positive number. Any error leads to a return value of 0.
Parameter | Minimum Value | Maximum Value |
Deposit | Long.MIN_VALUE | 0 |
1 | 100 | |
101 | 1000 | |
1001 | Long.MAX_VALUE |
Return Value | 0 |
0.30% | |
0.50% | |
0.70% |
TCI | Parameter | Boundary Value | Test Case |
BV1* | Deposit | Long.MIN_VALUE | To be completed later |
BV2* | 0 | ||
BV3 | 1 | ||
BV4 | 100 | ||
BV5 | 101 | ||
BV6 | 1000 | ||
BV7 | 1001 | ||
BV8 | Long.MAX_VALUE | ||
BV9 | Return Value | 0 | |
BV10 | 0.30% | ||
BV11 | 0.50% | ||
BV12 | 0.70% |
ID | Test Cases Covered | Inputs Deposit |
Exp. Result Return Value |
T2.1 | BV3,10 | 1 | 0.30% |
T2.2 | BV4,[10] | 100 | 0.30% |
T2.3 | BV5,11 | 101 | 0.50% |
T2.4 | BV6,[11] | 1000 | 0.50% |
T2.5 | BV7,12 | 1001 | 0.70% |
T2.6 | BV8,[12] | Long.MAX_VALUE | 0.70% |
T2.7 | BV1*,9 | Long.MIN_VALUE | 0 |
T2.8 | BV2*,[9] | 0 | 0 |
TCI | Parameter | Boundary Value | Test Case |
BV1* | Deposit | Long.MIN_VALUE | T2.7 |
BV2* | 0 | T2.8 | |
BV3 | 1 | T2.1 | |
BV4 | 100 | T2.2 | |
BV5 | 101 | T2.3 | |
BV6 | 1000 | T2.4 | |
BV7 | 1001 | T2.5 | |
BV8 | Long.MAX_VALUE | T2.6 | |
BV9 | Return Value | 0 | T2.7 |
BV10 | 0.30% | T2.1 | |
BV11 | 0.50% | T2.3 | |
BV12 | 0.70% | T2.5 |
ID | Test Cases Covered | Inputs Deposit |
Exp. Result Return Value |
T2.1 | BV3,10 | 1 | 0.30% |
T2.2 | BV4,[10] | 100 | 0.30% |
T2.3 | BV5,11 | 101 | 0.50% |
T2.4 | BV6,[11] | 1000 | 0.50% |
T2.5 | BV7,12 | 1001 | 0.70% |
T2.6 | BV8,[12] | Long.MAX_VALUE | 0.70% |
T2.7 | BV1*,9 | Long.MIN_VALUE | 0 |
T2.8 | BV2*,[9] | 0 | 0 |
Java + TestNG
Test automation with dataproviders
package trade_test_BVA;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
public class InterestCalculatorTest {
// test data
private static Object[][] testData = new Object[][] {
// id, variable1, variable2, ... variableN, expected
{"T2.1", 1, 0.003},
{"T2.2", 100, 0.003},
{"T2.3", 101, 0.005},
{"T2.4", 1000, 0.005},
{"T2.5", 1001, 0.007},
{"T2.6", 9223372036854775807L, 0.007},
{"T2.7", -9223372036854775807L, 0},
{"T2.8", 0, 0},
@DataProvider(name = "data")
public Object[][] getTestData() {
return testData;
@Test(dataProvider = "data")
public void test(String id, long variable1, double expected) {
assertEquals(InterestCalculator.interestRate(variable1), expected);
Console log
RemoteTestNG] detected TestNG version 7.4.0
PASSED: test("T2.6", 9223372036854775807, 0.007)
PASSED: test("T2.2", 100, 0.003)
PASSED: test("T2.4", 1000, 0.005)
PASSED: test("T2.5", 1001, 0.007)
PASSED: test("T2.7", -9223372036854775807, 0)
PASSED: test("T2.8", 0, 0)
PASSED: test("T2.1", 1, 0.003)
PASSED: test("T2.3", 101, 0.005)
Default test
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
Default suite
Total tests run: 8, Passes: 8, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
- By definition, BVA covers all EP test coverage items
- With twice as many tests, the min and max of each EP has been tested at least once, using a min number of tests
- BVA focuses on finding errors with decisions
- Decisions often fail at boundaries
- E.g.x<0insteadofx<=0
- BVA often uncovers more errors than EP alone
- But has twice as many test cases --- a trade-off
- Boundary Values DO NOT OVERLAP
- One value at top, one at bottom
- Goal: Achieve 100% coverage of boundary values
- Test data values are provided by the technique;
- Tests focus on areas where faults are more likely to be created by the developer.
- Doubles number of TCIs compared to EP;
- No Combinations.
- BVA is used to ensure correct processing with data values at start and end of every EP;
- Each BVA value is a test coverage item;
- Each BVA value is used as test case.
BVA is an important supplement to EP, this area is easy to be underestimated.