remix-adonisjs includes all the amazing features you love from Remix, plus support for production-grade:
- Database ORM and migrations
- Authentication
- Router middleware
- Mailer
- Dependency injection
...and much, much more from the AdonisJS 6 ecosystem. Read the about section if you want to learn more.
Create a fresh remix-adonisjs project using the Remix starter template:
npm init adonisjs@latest -- -K="github:jarle/remix-starter-kit"
You should now be able to start building.
Just jump into your new folder and start the dev server with npm run dev
You can create new Remix routes with the command:
node ace remix:route my-route
There are flags for including Remix-specific functionality in the route. Example for adding a server action:
node ace remix:route --action my-route
Ready to build? Check out the guide on how to set up a login flow to get familiar with remix-adonisjs.
Guides for remix-adonisjs can be found in the official documentation
For implementation details/reference, refer to the official documentation for the two frameworks:
Contributions are very welcome ❤️
You can hack on the project by using the reference application and its associated integrations tests.
A good start is to check out issues marked with help wanted and see if you can contribute either with code or your opinion/experience.
Some other ideas for improvements:
- Documentation
- Ease of setup
- Project structure