Simple way how to improve experience from performance profiling and debugging in Elm output code.
Usually during performance profiling you god list of many anonymous function calls and you need to manually go and click through them. But with simple regex aplied on compiled output, you can get more human friendly names.
/* replace FX nested anonymous functions with simple nesting
var $elm$core$List$filter = F2(
function (isGood, list) {
//some logic here
Anonymous function will be named by
const rule = /var ([^=]+)( = F\d\([^f]+function)[^(]\(/gmi;
const replacement = `var $1$2 __$1( `;
And another aditional expression:
/* AX functions where FX is called like
return A3(
function THIS_WILL_BE_REPLACED (x, xs) {
return isGood(x) ? A2($elm$core$List$cons, x, xs) : xs;
And THIS_WILL_BE_REPLACED will be replaced by `___$elm$core$List$foldr`
consrt rule = /(\sA\d\([\s]+)([^,]+)(,[\s]+)(function[^(]+)\(/gm;
const replacement = `$1$2$3$4___$2(`;
Example how this can be used with webpack. This code is using string-replace-loader
webpack loader.
test: /\.elm$/,
exclude: [/elm-stuff/, /node_modules/],
use: [
// this crazy magic is only for localhost development
devMode && perfDebug ? {
loader: 'string-replace-loader',
options: {
multiple: [
{ /* replace FX nested anonymous functions with simple nesting
var $elm$core$List$filter = F2(
function (isGood, list) {
//some logic here
Anonymous function will be named by
search: /var ([^=]+)( = F\d\([^f]+function)[^(]\(/gmi,
replace: `var $1$2 __$1( `,
{ /* AX functions where FX is called like
return A3(
function THIS_WILL_BE_REPLACED (x, xs) {
return isGood(x) ? A2($elm$core$List$cons, x, xs) : xs;
And THIS_WILL_BE_REPLACED will be replaced by `___$elm$core$List$foldr`
search: /(\sA\d\([\s]+)([^,]+)(,[\s]+)(function[^(]+)\(/gm,
replace: `$1$2$3$4___$2(`,
} : null,
devMode ? 'elm-hot-webpack-loader' : null,
loader: 'elm-webpack-loader',
options: {
optimize: !devMode,
pathToElm: 'node_modules/.bin/elm'
].filter(x => x), // non-nulls
And here example of performance recording in Chrome dev tools.