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ccasin committed Nov 13, 2023
1 parent fed5d34 commit 6779ca7
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Showing 7 changed files with 11,992 additions and 13,172 deletions.
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions src/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -500,14 +500,14 @@ module Conv = struct
match pat.pat_desc with
Tpat_or (pa,pb,_) ->
mkpat (Ppat_or (loop pa, loop pb))
| Tpat_var (_, ({txt="*extension*"; _} as nm)) -> (* PR#7330 *)
| Tpat_var (_, ({txt="*extension*"; _} as nm), _, _) -> (* PR#7330 *)
mkpat (Ppat_var nm)
| Tpat_any
| Tpat_var _ ->
mkpat Ppat_any
| Tpat_constant c ->
mkpat (Ppat_constant (Untypeast.constant c))
| Tpat_alias (p,_,_) -> loop p
| Tpat_alias (p,_,_,_,_) -> loop p
| Tpat_tuple lst ->
mkpat (Ppat_tuple ( ~f:loop lst))
| Tpat_construct (cstr_lid, cstr, lst, _) ->
Expand All @@ -534,8 +534,14 @@ module Conv = struct
mkpat (Ppat_record (fields, Open))
| Tpat_array lst ->
mkpat (Ppat_array ( ~f:loop lst))
| Tpat_array (mut, lst) ->
let lst = ~f:loop lst in
begin match mut with
| Mutable -> mkpat (Ppat_array lst)
| Immutable ->
Jane_syntax.Immutable_arrays.pat_of ~loc:pat.pat_loc
(Iapat_immutable_array lst)
| Tpat_lazy p ->
mkpat (Ppat_lazy (loop p))
Expand Down
132 changes: 27 additions & 105 deletions src/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -997,98 +997,13 @@ let from_string ~config ~env ~local_defs ~pos ?namespaces switch path =
fragments of the typedtree that might be used to get the docstrings without
relying on this iteration *)
let find_doc_attributes_in_typedtree ~config ~comp_unit uid =
let exception Found_attributes of Typedtree.attributes in
let test elt_uid attributes =
if Shape.Uid.equal uid elt_uid then raise (Found_attributes attributes)
let iterator =
let first_item = ref true in
let uid_is_comp_unit = match uid with
| Shape.Uid.Compilation_unit _ -> true
| _ -> false
fun env -> { Tast_iterator.default_iterator with

(* Needed to return top-level module doc (when the uid is a compunit).
The module docstring must be the first signature or structure item *)
signature_item = (fun sub ({ sig_desc; _} as si) ->
begin match sig_desc, !first_item, uid_is_comp_unit with
| Tsig_attribute attr, true, true -> raise (Found_attributes [attr])
| _, false, true -> raise Not_found
| _, _, _ -> first_item := false end;
Tast_iterator.default_iterator.signature_item sub si);

structure_item = (fun sub ({ str_desc; _} as sti) ->
begin match str_desc, !first_item, uid_is_comp_unit with
| Tstr_attribute attr, true, true -> raise (Found_attributes [attr])
| _, false, true -> raise Not_found
| _, _, _ -> first_item := false end;
Tast_iterator.default_iterator.structure_item sub sti);

value_description = (fun sub ({ val_val; val_attributes; _ } as vd) ->
test val_val.val_uid val_attributes;
Tast_iterator.default_iterator.value_description sub vd);

type_declaration = (fun sub ({ typ_type; typ_attributes; _ } as td) ->
test typ_type.type_uid typ_attributes;
Tast_iterator.default_iterator.type_declaration sub td);

value_binding = (fun sub ({ vb_pat; vb_attributes; _ } as vb) ->
let pat_var_iter ~f pat =
let rec aux pat =
let open Typedtree in
match pat.pat_desc with
| Tpat_var (id, _) -> f id
| Tpat_alias (pat, _, _)
| Tpat_variant (_, Some pat, _)
| Tpat_lazy pat
| Tpat_or (pat, _, _) ->
aux pat
| Tpat_tuple pats
| Tpat_construct (_, _, pats, _)
| Tpat_array pats ->
List.iter ~f:aux pats
| Tpat_record (pats, _) ->
List.iter ~f:(fun (_, _, pat) -> aux pat) pats
| _ -> ()
aux pat
pat_var_iter vb_pat ~f:(fun id ->
let vd = Env.find_value (Pident id) env in
test vd.val_uid vb_attributes
with Not_found -> ());
Tast_iterator.default_iterator.value_binding sub vb)
let typedtree =
log ~title:"doc_from_uid" "Loading the cmt for unit %S" comp_unit;
match load_cmt ~config comp_unit `MLI with
| Ok (_, cmt_infos) ->
log ~title:"doc_from_uid" "Cmt loaded, itering on the typedtree";
begin match cmt_infos.cmt_annots with
| Interface s -> Some (`Interface { s with
sig_final_env = Envaux.env_of_only_summary s.sig_final_env})
| Implementation str -> Some (`Implementation { str with
str_final_env = Envaux.env_of_only_summary str.str_final_env})
| _ -> None
| Error _ -> None
try begin match typedtree with
| Some (`Interface s) ->
let iterator = iterator s.sig_final_env in
iterator.signature iterator s;
log ~title:"doc_from_uid" "uid not found in the signature"
| Some (`Implementation str) ->
let iterator = iterator str.str_final_env in
iterator.structure iterator str;
log ~title:"doc_from_uid" "uid not found in the implementation"
| _ -> () end;
| Found_attributes attrs ->
log ~title:"doc_from_uid" "Loading the cmt for unit %S" comp_unit;
match load_cmt ~config comp_unit `MLI with
| Ok (_, artifact) ->
log ~title:"doc_from_uid" "Cmt loaded, itering on the typedtree";
match Artifact.uid_to_attributes uid artifact with
| Some attrs ->
log ~title:"doc_from_uid" "Found attributes for this uid";
let parse_attributes attrs =
let open Parsetree in
Expand All @@ -1100,7 +1015,7 @@ let find_doc_attributes_in_typedtree ~config ~comp_unit uid =
with Not_found -> None
begin match parse_attributes attrs with
| Some (doc, _) -> `Found (doc |> String.trim)
| Some (doc, _) -> `Found_attributes (doc |> String.trim)
| None -> `No_documentation end
| None -> `No_documentation
Expand All @@ -1115,7 +1030,7 @@ let doc_from_uid ~config ~loc uid =
compilation unit (%s)"
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Shape.Uid.print fmt uid) comp_unit;
(match find_doc_attributes_in_typedtree ~config ~comp_unit uid with
| `Found doc -> `Found_doc doc
| `Found_attributes doc -> `Found_doc doc
| `No_documentation ->
(* We fallback on the legacy heuristic to handle some unproper
doc placement. See test [unattached-comment.t] *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1168,17 +1083,24 @@ let doc_from_comment_list ~local_defs ~buffer_comments loc =
let doc_from_uid ~config ~loc uid =
begin match uid with
| Some (Shape.Uid.Item { comp_unit; _ } as uid)
| Some (Shape.Uid.Compilation_unit comp_unit as uid)
when Env.get_unit_name () <> comp_unit ->
log ~title:"get_doc" "the doc (%a) you're looking for is in another
compilation unit (%s)"
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Shape.Uid.print fmt uid) comp_unit;
(match find_doc_attributes_in_typedtree ~config ~comp_unit uid with
| `Found doc -> `Found_doc doc
| `No_documentation ->
(* We fallback on the legacy heuristic to handle some unproper
doc placement. See test [unattached-comment.t] *)
`Found_loc loc)
| Some (Shape.Uid.Compilation_unit comp_unit as uid) ->
let unit_name_matches =
match Env.get_unit_name () with
| Some u -> Compilation_unit.name_as_string u = comp_unit
| None -> false
if unit_name_matches then `Found_loc loc
else begin
log ~title:"get_doc" "the doc (%a) you're looking for is in another
compilation unit (%s)"
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Shape.Uid.print fmt uid) comp_unit;
(match find_doc_attributes_in_typedtree ~config ~comp_unit uid with
| `Found_attributes doc -> `Found_doc doc
| `No_documentation ->
(* We fallback on the legacy heuristic to handle some unproper
doc placement. See test [unattached-comment.t] *)
`Found_loc loc)
| _ ->
(* Uid based search doesn't works in the current CU since Merlin's parser
does not attach doc comments to the typedtree *)
Expand Down
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions src/ocaml/preprocess/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -304,8 +304,6 @@ let print_symbol = function
| MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_method_) -> "method_"
| MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_meth_list) -> "meth_list"
| MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_match_case) -> "match_case"
| MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lwt_bindings) -> "lwt_bindings"
| MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lwt_binding) -> "lwt_binding"
| MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_listx_SEMI_record_pat_field_UNDERSCORE_) -> "listx_SEMI_record_pat_field_UNDERSCORE_"
| MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_list_use_file_element_) -> "list_use_file_element_"
| MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_list_text_str_structure_item__) -> "list_text_str_structure_item__"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -685,8 +683,6 @@ let print_value (type a) : a MenhirInterpreter.symbol -> a -> string = function
| MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_method_ -> (fun _ -> "method_")
| MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_meth_list -> (fun _ -> "meth_list")
| MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_match_case -> (fun _ -> "match_case")
| MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lwt_bindings -> (fun _ -> "lwt_bindings")
| MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_lwt_binding -> (fun _ -> "lwt_binding")
| MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_listx_SEMI_record_pat_field_UNDERSCORE_ -> (fun _ -> "listx_SEMI_record_pat_field_UNDERSCORE_")
| MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_list_use_file_element_ -> (fun _ -> "list_use_file_element_")
| MenhirInterpreter.N MenhirInterpreter.N_list_text_str_structure_item__ -> (fun _ -> "list_text_str_structure_item__")
Expand Down

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