A simple, web-based queueing system for office hours. If you'd like to contribute, here's how to get a development environment set up...
In the base directory of the repository:
docker build --tag=eecsoh .
docker run -d -i -t --rm -p 8080:80 -e ALLOW_OVERRIDE=All -v $PWD/public/:/var/www/html -v $PWD/php/:/var/www/php -v eecsoh-db:/var/lib/mysql --name eecsoh-container eecsoh
This only needs to be done the first time you launch the container.
docker exec eecsoh-container bash -c '/var/www/sql/init_db.sh'
That's it! Access the queue in your web browser at http://localhost:8080/queue.
First, install the local front-end development tools:
npm install
You can edit the source files in the help_queue directory locally. Use whatever editor you like.
If you edit queue.ts
or any other Typescript files, you'll need to recompile:
npm run build
docker exec -i -t eecsoh-container bash
This might be useful if you need to e.g. access the mysql database directly.