These exercises are a series of CSS related tasks intended to complement the HTML and CSS content on The Odin Project (TOP). They should only be done when instructed during the course of the curriculum.
When doing these exercises, please use all the documentation and resources you need to accomplish them. You are not intended to have any of this stuff memorized at this point. Check the docs, use Google, do what you need to do (besides checking the solutions) to get them done.
If you have a suggestion to improve an exercise, an idea for a new exercise, or notice an issue with an exercise, please feel free to open an issue after thoroughly reading our contributing guide in our main TOP repo.
- Fork and clone this repository. To learn how to fork a repository, see the GitHub documentation on how to fork a repo.
- Copies of repositories on your machine are called clones. If you need help cloning to your local environment you can learn how from the GitHub documentation on cloning a repository.
- Go to an exercise directory and open the HTML file in your browser. You can either open the file directly, or use something like VSCode's Live Server extension.
- For each exercise, read the README thoroughly before starting any work.
- Each README has a "Self Check" list. Use this to make sure you haven't missed any important details in your implementation.
- Make your edits in the
and/or thestyle.css
files in order to make the output in your browser look like the Desired Outcome image(s).- Depending on the instructions of the exercise, you may only need to make edits in one of these files.
- Once you successfully finish an exercise, check TOP's solution to compare it with yours.
- You should not be checking the solution for an exercise until you finish it!
- Keep in mind that TOP's solution is not the only solution. If your solution differs wildly from TOP's solution (and still passes the self-check criteria), feel free to ask about it in the chatroom.
- Do not submit your solutions to this repo, as any PRs that do so will be closed without merging.
- Foundations complete: Used external, internal and inline CSS styling to change fon sizing, font colours and background colours. Recognised how to use the correct selectors. Ordering selectors to fix specificity issues.