A Docker image for a software defined radio tuned to listen for Current Cost power consumption sensors at 433MHz. This is based off of Marco Verleun's awesome rtl2mqtt image, and chris kacerguis honeywell2mqtt derivitave. It uses an out-of-date docker image of rtl_sdr and rtl_433 from sysrun/rtl_433 (approx 1 year old). This is needed because current versions are problematic with my RTL DVB-T dongle...
To run the container, use the following:
sudo docker run --name currentcost_rtl433 -d \
-e MQTT_HOST=<mqtt-broker.example.com> \
-e MQTT_USER=username \
-e MQTT_PASS=password \
-e MQTT_TOPIC=your/topic/name \
--privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb \
--name hijinx/CurrentCost_rtl433
Data to the MQTT server will look like this
"time" : "2017-10-16 20:53:09",
"model" : "CurrentCost TX",
"dev_id" : 3063,
"power0" : 617,
"power1" : 0,
"power2" : 0
Its power0 that provides the reading that is desired.
The default topic is: homeassistant/sensor/currentcost
This has been tested and used with the Current Cost EnviR with clamp - e.g.: http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/bzcAAOSwZuRZu6JB/s-l1600.jpg
If you see this error:
Kernel driver is active, or device is claimed by second instance of librtlsdr. In the first case, please either detach or blacklist the kernel module (dvb_usb_rtl28xxu), or enable automatic detaching at compile time.
Then run the following command on the host
sudo rmmod dvb_usb_rtl28xxu rtl2832
Also it may be required to determine tuning offset (ppm) per this instruction: http://davidnelson.me/?p=371 (Currently the ppm for my receiver own is hardcoded in the script... should be an env var really).