Under preparation...
Our code was run with Python 3.5.5 and Tensorflow 1.9.0
Example to optimize a single-layer optical correlator for QuickDraw-16:
- Download quickdraw-16 training dataset (see below) into assets folder
- onn_quickdraw-16-tiled.py: optimizes a single-layer tiled kernel PSF model for the quickdraw-16 dataset
- Walk through ONNMaskOpt.ipynb until the "Visualization of phase mask optimization" section. You can use the saved checkpoint folder we link below, or the checkpoint from running onn_quickdraw-16-tiled.py
- onn_maskopt.py: optimizes a phase mask to correspond to a pre-computed PSF. You can use the sample psf in the assets folder or use the one you save from the ONNMaskOpt.ipynb walkthrough
- Walk through ONNMaskOpt.ipynb from "Visualization of phase mask optimization" and plug in the checkpoint from onn_maskopt.py.
Other code:
- jupyter notebooks are useful for visualization, but in the current state they rely on files that may not be added yet
- other scripts are added, but they are not completely demo-ready
- the core code for hybrid two-layer networks have "hybrid" in the filename
- quickdraw-16 training dataset: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nD5NhRfEqiDao2FWX4X54uPnQWAyusyG/view?usp=sharing (the test dataset is already in the assets folder)
- checkpoint folder used in ONNMaskOpt.ipynb: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IoUa81VjPKK1zGxFSgQV_NSbkKLciVbW/view?usp=sharing
Additional code used to interface with prototype hardware is available upon request.
Title: Hybrid optical-electronic convolutional neural networks with optimized diffractive optics for image classification
Authors: Julie Chang*, Vincent Sitzmann, Xiong Dun, Wolfgang Heidrich, and Gordon Wetzstein*
*Correspondence to: {jchang10, gordon.wetzstein}@stanford.edu
Link to our paper
Link to our project page: http://www.computationalimaging.org/publications/hybrid-optical-electronic-convolutional-neural-networks/
The original images used in all experiments were downloaded directly from MNIST, CIFAR-10, or Google QuickDraw source websites. The If you are interested in the CIFAR-10 dataset captured by our prototype, please send us an email.