The purpose of this script is to update an item with data that is contained in an item referenced from an Item of Type field. The inputs to this script are a filter, an item type, and the names of the fields that contain the referenced data.
This section contains information on how to install the required dependencies for this script.
Python 3.7+ If using pipenv you must use a python 3.7.X version. If installing requirements manually you may use any python version including 3.8+ however testing has only been done against python 3.7
Enable the REST API on your Jama Connect instance
If you do not already have Pipenv installed on your machine you can learn how to install it here:
The required dependencies for this project are managed with Pipenv and can be installed by opening a terminal to the project directory and entering the following command:
pipenv install
If you do not wish to use Pipenv you may manually install the required dependencies with pip.
pip install --user py-jama-rest-client
This section contains information on configuration and execution the script.
Before you can execute the script you must configure the script via a config file. The config file is structured in a standard .ini file format. there is an example config.ini file included with this repo that you may modify with your settings. I recommend that you create a copy of the template config file and rename it to something that is meaningful for your execution.
This section contains settings related to connecting to your Jama Connect REST API.
jama_connect_url: this is the URL to your Jama Connect instance
oauth: setting this value to 'false' will instruct the client to authenticate via basic authentication. Setting this value to 'true' instructs the client to use OAuth authentication protocols
user_id: This should be either your username or clientID if using OAuth
user_secret: This should be either your password or client_secret if using OAuth
This section contains settings for configuration of the scripts functionality.
Any field that begins with 'destination' is referring to an item that will be updated i.e. a hazard or failure mode.
Any field that begins with 'source' is referring to an item from which data will be pulled, i.e. a Harm.
All fields are required.
destination_filter_id: This is the API ID of the filter used to specify the location in Jama that is to be processed. The filter should be constructed to work on a specific project, it should be public, and it should filter items under a specific location.
destination_item_type: This is the API ID of the item type that should have work performed on it.
destination_harm_identifier_field_name: The unique field name of the Item of Type field in the destination item that references a Harm.
destination_harm_severity_field_name: The unique field name of the severity field in the destination item.
destination_harm_description_field_name: The unique field name of the harm description field to be updated in the destination item.
destination_revised_harm_identifier_field_name: The unique field name of of the revised harm Item of Type field in the destination item.
destination_revised_harm_severity_field_name: The unique field name of revised severity field in the destination item.
destination_revised_harm_description_field_name: The unique field name of the revised harm description field to be updated in the destination item.
source_harm_severity_field_name: The unique field name of the field in the source item that contains the desired data to be retrieved and placed into the destination item. This field data is populated into the <destination_harm_severity_field_name> and the <destination_revised_harm_severity_field_name>
source_harm_description_field_name: The unique field name of the field in the source item that contains the desired data to be retrieved and placed into the destination item. This field data is populated into the <destination_harm_description_field_name> and the <destination_revised_harm_description_field_name>
- Open a terminal to the project directory.
- If using pipenv enter the following(otherwise skip to step 3):
pipenv shell
- Enter the following command into your terminal (Note that the script accepts one parameter and that is the path to
the config file created above):
python config.ini
Execution logs will be output to the terminal as well as output to a log file in the logs/ folder located next to the script.