Simple commandline utility to send and receive messages to/from Azure servicebus queues.
- Only queues are supported.
- Authentication is supported only with connection string.
Download a Linux/Windows binary here:
# Connection string and session-less queue name - variables used in the
# rest of the example
$ QUEUE_NAME = "your queue name"
# Send a message
$ echo "Hello world!" | ./azure-sb-cli send -c "$CONN_STR" -q "$QUEUE_NAME"
# Receive message
$ azure-sb-cli receive -c "$CONN_STR" -q $QUEUE_NAME
Hello world!
# Connection string and session-enabled queue name - variables used in the
# rest of the example
$ QUEUE_NAME = "your queue name"
# Send a message
$ echo "Hello world!" | ./azure-sb-cli send -c "$CONN_STR" -q "$QUEUE_NAME" -s "session-12345"
# Receive message:
# - using empty string as a session ID will receive message from any session.
# - The message is prefixed with session ID in the output
$ azure-sb-cli receive -c "$CONN_STR" -q $QUEUE_NAME -p -s ""
session-12345:Hello world!
./azure-sb-cli -h
Usage: ./azure-sb-cli <command> <options>
send - Sends messages to a queue. Reads standard input, sending each line as message, all in same session.
receive - Receives messages, outputting them to standard output, message per line.
peek - Peeks one or more messages, outpus them to standard output.
-v - Prints version info.
Common options:
-c Connection string
-d (flag) Log debug info
-h (flag) Show this help
-n number of received or peeked messages. Defaults to one.
-q Queue name
-s Session ID.
If the queue is not session-enabled, do not set this option.
If the queue is session-enabled, must be specified for receive. The 'send' works without it.
If set to empty string for receive, will receive message from any session.
Receive options:
-p Prefix every message with session id, separated with ':'
Send option:
-i Correlation ID for sent messages
Ideas to implement:
- Support Correlation ID for
operation. - Support for servicebus topics.
- Batch send/receive for better performance.