StepFunctions implementation for SST Ion (and Pulumi)
For now this package contains copy of SST platform scripts (sst/sst#4643)
import { $, $$, LambdaInvoke, LambdaInvokeWaitForTaskToken, Map, StartExecutionSync, StateMachine } from "path/to/sst-sfn";
const search = new"GoogleSearch", {...})
const exportZip = new"ExportZip", {...})
const tokenExample = new"TokenExample", {...})
export const fetchDetailStateMachine = new StateMachine("MyStateMachine", {...});
const definition = new LambdaInvoke("Search", {
Parameters: {
FunctionName: search.arn,
Payload: {
"query.$": $.stringAt("$.query"),
"s3Key.$": $.format("executions/{}/", $$.Execution.Id),
ResultPath: $.stringAt("$.searchResults"),
new Map("MapGoogleResults", {
ItemsPath: "$.searchResults.Payload",
Iterator: new StartExecutionSync("FetchDetail", {
Parameters: {
StateMachineArn: fetchDetailStateMachine.arn,
Input: {
"url.$": $.stringAt("$.url"),
"executionId.$": $$.Execution.Id,
new LambdaInvoke("ExportZip", {
Parameters: {
FunctionName: exportZip.arn,
Payload: {
"input.$": $.stringAt('$')
ResultPath: $.stringAt("$.archive"),
new LambdaInvokeWaitForTaskToken("TokenExample", {
Parameters: {
FunctionName: tokenExample.arn,
Payload: {
"taskToken.$": $$.Task.Token
ResultPath: $.DISCARD,
export const searchStateMachine = new StateMachine("MyStateMachine", {
Set of convenience methods to help with 3rd party integration using API Gateway V2
export const maApi = new"MyApi");
export const myStateMachine = new StateMachine("MyStateMachine", {
definition: //
// trigger new state machine using POST request
// curl '.../my-trigger' --data '{"hello":"world"}' => body is passed to state machine as input
myStateMachine.addApiGatewayV2Trigger("POST /my-trigger", maApi);
// send success command using taskToken
// curl '.../my-success' --data '{"taskToken":"[TOKEN]","output":{"foo":"blah"}}'
myStateMachine.addApiGatewayV2TaskCommandSuccessHandler("POST /my-success", maApi);
// send failure command using taskToken
// curl '.../my-success' --data '{"taskToken":"[TOKEN]","error":"XYZ","cause":"somthing is broken"}'
myStateMachine.addApiGatewayV2TaskCommandFailureHandler("POST /failure", maApi);