Inside Airbnb is an watchdog site that scrapes and publishes data on milions of homestays that Airbnb operates every year. Aside from all the controversies on Airbnb's business model and its illegal character the data seems perfect for analysis. This repo is dedicated to all Airbnb reservations in Tasmania in 2023. The primary objective of this project is to understand market dynamics: explore the distribution of listings in different regions of Tasmania, identify pricing trends and popular tourist destinations.
The conclusions shown by graphs and the dashboard support travel planing. The story told through the data gives you insights about prices and their relationship with review scores. Using the dashboard you can easily compare regions in terms of their occupancy and other ratios. If you prefer specific types of accomodation the charts will indicate if and when Tasmania is a right place for it.
Donought charts showing the most representative ratios can give you clues about the demand and supply in each specific destination. The map shows the total absence of listings in some parts of the island.If you are a host data exploration will response helpful questions about the importance of rewiew score and the experience of hosts. You'll also know how significant the decrease in bookings can be during the Christmas period.
All the datsets are available on the Inside Airbnb website
The data is published quarterly so it's divided by multiple CSV files
To put it all together I need to append and merge data from each table using Power Query. Query schema:
The last step of the analysis is to create a dashboard. The final report includes the most representative charts and KPIs needed to understand the market and its dynamics. The measures shown can help tourists when comparing destinations.