Super basic OSC to MQTT bridge that routes local OSC messages starting with "osc2mqtt" to a MQTT broker.
I had a Max/MSP patch that needed to send MQTT msgs. As there is no native option and other solutions don't work on a silicon Mac computer, I decided to just build a quick and dirty bridge between OSC (via UDP on localhost) and MQTT.
Other than dependencies (argparse, pythonosc, paho.mqtt, time) nothing needs to be installed or set up.
- Execute the python script by e.g.
- You will be asked
- to enter the port that the bridge should wait for incoming OSC messages
- to enter the IP address of the MQTT broker (can be "loclahost")
You can also add port and IP by using arguements (--port and --ip) when executing:
python --ip localhost --port 12000