The repo is a short tool for bruteforcing host-header values and observing any response change in requests The basic idea id to see response change in the a particular that may occur due to variation in hosts header values the payloads in header.txt is combined from
Host:Host validation bypass
X-Forwarded-For:Different ips for internal redirecterrors stack trace
X-forwarded-Host:Different ips for internal redirecterrors stack trace
Referer:Different ips for internal redirecterrors stack trace
Origin:Origin Bypass
X-Forwarded-Port:Check if port forwarding is allowed explicit outside
git clone
cd Host-Header-Bruter
python -u -he header.txt
Currently the output is saved in /output with file names as 1,2 3.... and for differentiate among them we can use
cd output
vim -d *.txt
[ ] Add cookie based requests
[ ] Add automatic difference output
[ ] Add Multiple combination of headers