Team members:
- Aanchal Khandelwal (ak8257)
- Jaimin Dineshbhai Khanderia (jk7178)
- Ruchika Upadhyay (ru2025)
This application shows different visualizations for Covid-19 deaths and vaccine data.
The following are the visualizations that are present in the application:
- Cases and Deaths w.r.t vaccinations across the US (country level)
- Hospitalizations w.r.t vaccinations across the US (country level)
- Cases and Deaths w.r.t vaccinations for all states in the US
- Cases and Deaths w.r.t vaccinations during different variants of COVID-19 for all states in the US
The application has been written, compiled and tested using Python 3.8 and will work on all Python 3.5+ versions. In order to get started with running the application, please follow the steps given below:
- Download the repository and go to the downloaded code directory
cd Effect-of-Covid-19-vaccines-on-mortality-rate/code/
- Install Python3 and pip if you don't have Python3 or pip installed on your system.
- Download the latest Python from
- Install pip using the following command:
Download the script from
$ python
- Install the requirements needed to run the web application by running the following command:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the file
with Python3 by issuing the command streamlit run
Note: You will have to create an account on first to access the application.