This is my personal library of abstractions for PureData, following some ideas and exercises from Andy Farnnel'sDesign Sound of .
Until now, I built some basic abstractions for design spectra (AM, FM) with some customized functions, like non-linear ones (that add some nice complex features to spectra).
Added to some examples and design sound exercises from Andy Farnell Book granular synthesis:
If you have linux or mac, i suggest the following:
$ git clone
If you have windows, i suggest download github application and then download the source code from the application.
Open PureData, go to Prefereces and then add the properly path search;
In my machine is something like:
Set apply and re-open PD
An set of pre-built externals
Some generated delay externals by python
Need more time to build some nice thing
These are simple oscilators transformed by non-linear functions that generated some interesting spectra:
- Chebychev polinomials from 3..9 orders
- Hiperbolic Tangent
- Common AM (Two side bands minus carrier frequency)
- Ring modulation (Two side bands + carrier)
- One side band
- Am modulation with non-linear oscilators:
- Chebychev polinomials from 3..9 orders
- Hiperbolic tangent
- Common FM
- FM modulation with non-linear oscilators:
- Chebychev polinomials from 3..9 orders
- Hiperbolic tangent
Contains a simple granular oscilator; it read the DSP flow, make an gaussian envelope, and plays repeatdly. It's a simple sampler.
Make some useful tools to Sound Design works, like videogames or installations; will folow some ideas from Andy Farnell's book and my own ideas.