A pipe to run SCA and SAST security scans
The base image is ubuntu:latest
and the size is 311.98 MB
Add the following snippet to the script section of your bitbucket-pipelines.yml
- pipe: docker://j1209/bash-pipe:1.0.0
# DEBUG: "<boolean>" # Optional
Variable | Usage |
BRIDGE_BLACKDUCK_URL (*) | The Blackduck Hub URL |
BRIDGE_BLACKDUCK_URL (*) | The token to establish connection with the Blackduck Hub |
(*) = required variable for Blacduck Scan.
If you’d like help with this pipe, or you have an issue or feature request, let us know. The pipe is maintained by jahid1209.
If you’re reporting an issue, please include:
- the version of the pipe
- relevant logs and error messages
- steps to reproduce
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