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xZune.Vlc 是一个 LibVlc 封装库的 .NET 实现,封装了大部分的 LibVlc 的功能,该项目主要是为了寻求一个在 WPF 上使用 Vlc 的完美的解决方案,xZune.Vlc 提供一个原生的 WPF 播放控件(xZune.Vlc.Wpf),该控件采用 InteropBitmap 与共享内存进行播放视频,是一个原生的 WPF 控件,不存在 HwndHost 的空域问题.

xZune.Vlc is an LibVlc solution for .NET, it has encapsulated most of functionalities of LibVlc. This project aims to find a perfect solution for using Vlc on WPF. xZune.Vlc provides an native WPF control(xZune.Vlc.Wpf), this control achieves video playback by utilizing InteropBitmap and shared memory. Since it’s a native WPF control, it doesn't suffer from HwndHost’s airspace issue.

Change Log

SHA: 5d4144ba64d568b36cd789e482e9ed1281525c25
01.更改字符集至 UTF-8
我们更改了 xZune.Vlc 与 LibVlc 的互操作字符串字符集至 UTF-8,解决中文路径的媒体文件无法播放的问题.

02.添加 Title 与 Chapter 属性
现在可以使用 VlcPlayer.TitleVlcPlayer.Chapter属性来控制多章节的媒体.

01.Change the Character set to UTF-8
We change the Character set to UTF-8,to fix some problem in chinese system.

02.Add Title and Chapter properties
Now you can use VlcPlayer.TitleandVlcPlayer.Chapterto control the media which has multiple chapters.

###07.15 SHA: 3fe6a38934f5418e77dd4c180579d471ec697dd5
如果你仍然在使用旧版本的 xZune.Vlc,这里列举了一些新版本的 xZune.Vlc 所拥有新的特性.

01.更多的 .NET 版本支持.
在之前我们更改了 xZune.Vlc 的代码,使其能够在多个 .NET 版本上使用,以下是相关的兼容信息:

.NET 版本 xZune.Vlc xZune.Vlc.Wpf xZune.Vlc.Wpf.Sample
.NET 2.0
.NET 3.0
.NET 3.5 ⁉️
.NET 4.0 ⁉️
.NET 4.5

⭕ :兼容 ❌ :不兼容 ⁉️ :部分功能可能不可用

现在,你可以使用 3 种方案来初始化 VlcPlayer 控件,VlcSettingsAttribute 特性 和 VlcPlayer.LibVlcPath 属性仍然可用,当你不设置这些特性与属性时,你就需要手动调用 Vlcplayer.Initialize(libVlcPath, libVlcOption) 来初始化控件.
他们之间的优先级为 VlcPlayer.LibVlcPath > VlcSettingsAttribute > Vlcplayer.Initialize

03.新的 Stop 方法组
现在你可以通过 3 个不同的 Stop 方法来停止媒体的播放.

VlcPlayer.Stop() 方法:
该方法将 Stop 操作提交给后台线程,由后台线程来完成 Stop 操作,所以会立即返回.但是 Stop 仍然是个耗时操作,所以请勿在此方法后调用其它媒体相关操作,以免造成死锁.


VlcPlayer.BeginStop(AsyncCallback) 方法:
该方法将 Stop 操作提交给后台线程,并提供一个 AsyncCallback 当 Stop 操作完成,将调用此 AsyncCallback.

vlcPlayer.BeginStop(ar =>
  //TODO: 在这里可进行媒体相关操作.
//不要在此方法后调用媒体相关操作,请在 AsyncCallback 中异步进行.  

VlcPlayer.StopAsync() 方法:
仅支持 .NET 4.5 ,该方法是 async/await 异步操作,使用 await 关键字确保 Stop 操作完成后,继续进行下面的操作.

await vlcPlayer.StopAsync();
//TODO: 在这里可进行媒体相关操作.

If you are still using the old version of xZune.Vlc,Here are some new features of the new version.

01.More .NET version support.
We change the code of xZune.Vlc,make it to be used on multiple versions .NET,those are compatible informations:

.NET Version xZune.Vlc xZune.Vlc.Wpf xZune.Vlc.Wpf.Sample
.NET 2.0
.NET 3.0
.NET 3.5 ⁉️
.NET 4.0 ⁉️
.NET 4.5

⭕ :Compatible ❌ :Incompatible ⁉️ :Some functions may not be available

02.More way of control initialization
Now,you have 3 ways to initialize VlcPlayer ,VlcSettingsAttribute and VlcPlayer.LibVlcPath also is available.When you don't set those,you need call Vlcplayer.Initialize(libVlcPath, libVlcOption) to initialize VlcPlayer.
Priority: VlcPlayer.LibVlcPath > VlcSettingsAttribute > Vlcplayer.Initialize

03.New Stop methods
Now you can use 3 different way to Stop a media.

VlcPlayer.Stop() method:
This method send Stop operation to background threading, so it will immediately return.But Stop is still a time consuming operation. So please do not call other media operations after this method, so as to avoid deadlock.

//Do not call other media operations.  

VlcPlayer.BeginStop(AsyncCallback) method:
This method send Stop operation to background threading, and you can set a AsyncCallback parameter. When the Stop operation completed, AsyncCallback will be called.

vlcPlayer.BeginStop(ar =>
  //TODO: You can call other media operations here.
//Do not call other media operations, please call those in AsyncCallback.  

VlcPlayer.StopAsync() method: Only .NET 4.5 support, this method is a async/await operation, use await keyword to make it async.

await vlcPlayer.StopAsync();
//TODO: You can call other media operations here.

Quick Start

在您的项目中快速使用 xZune.Vlc:

01.在项目中添加对 xZune.Vlc 的程序集的引用.


02.在项目的属性中设置 LibVlc 库的目录.
$(Your Project)\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs中添加 VlcSettingsAttribute.

//设置 LibVlc 的目录
[assembly: VlcSettings(@"..\..\..\LibVlc")] 

//设置 LibVlc 初始化时的选项
[assembly: VlcSettings(@"..\..\..\LibVlc",new String[] { "-I", "dummy", "--ignore-config", "--no-video-title" })]


03.在 Xaml 中加入 VlcPlayer 控件.

<wpf:VlcPlayer xmlns:wpf="clr-namespace:xZune.Vlc.Wpf;assembly=xZune.Vlc.Wpf" x:Name="vlcPlayer"/>


vlcPlayer.LoadMedia(@"C:\VlcTest.mp4"); //载入本地文件
//vlcPlayer.LoadMedia(@"H:\"); //载入DVD光盘
//vlcPlayer.LoadMedia(new Uri("")); //载入网络流
vlcPlayer.Play(); //Play the media 播放媒体


可以使用await vlcPlayer.Stop()在一个异步方法内停止视频播放,该操作是一个异步操作,需要 50ms 以上的延迟来完成停止操作,请务必使用await关键字保证 vlcPlayer 的停止播放结束后再载入新的视频,以免发生死锁.


Quick start xZune.Vlc in your project:

01.Add the references of xZune.Vlc to your project.


02.Set the path of LibVlc in properties of your project.
Add a VlcSettingsAttribute in $(Your Project)\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs.

//Set the path of LibVlc
[assembly: VlcSettings(@"..\..\..\LibVlc")] 

//Set the path and options of LibVlc
[assembly: VlcSettings(@"..\..\..\LibVlc",new String[] { "-I", "dummy", "--ignore-config", "--no-video-title" })]


03.Add the VlcPlayer Control in your Xaml

<wpf:VlcPlayer xmlns:wpf="clr-namespace:xZune.Vlc.Wpf;assembly=xZune.Vlc.Wpf" x:Name="vlcPlayer"/>

04.Load and Play the media.

vlcPlayer.LoadMedia(@"C:\VlcTest.mp4"); //Load a local file
//vlcPlayer.LoadMedia(@"H:\"); //Load a DVD
//vlcPlayer.LoadMedia(new Uri("")); //Load a Network Stream
vlcPlayer.Play(); //Play the media

05.Stop the media and Release the resources.

You can use await vlcPlayer.Stop()to stop a media in a async method,this operation is a async operation,we need at least 50ms to stop the media.Please use the await KeyWord to keep load a new media after stop old media over,in order to avoid a death lock.

You can call the vlcPlayer.Dispose()to release the resource when you exit.


xZune.Vlc is a Vlc library for WPF.







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