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擷取台灣證券交易所之股價資料 重新製作 toomore/grs 之功能
- requests
- Python 3
from pip (recommand):
$ pip install --user twstock
$ sudo pip install twstock
from GitHub:
$ git clone https://github.com/mlouielu/twstock
$ cd twstock
$ pip install flit # If you didn't install flit before
$ flit install
$ twstock -b 2330 6223
四大買賣點判斷 Best Four Point
2330: Buy 量大收紅
6223: Sell 量縮價跌, 三日均價小於六日均價
$ twstock -s 2330 6223
-------------- 2330 ----------------
high : 215.0 214.0 210.0 210.5 208.5
low : 212.0 211.0 208.0 208.5 206.5
price: 215.0 211.5 208.5 210.0 208.5
-------------- 2337 ----------------
high : 16.2 16.8 16.4 16.75 16.75
low : 15.8 16.1 15.15 16.3 16.25
price: 15.95 16.25 16.25 16.6 16.7
from twstock import Stock
stock = Stock('2330') # 擷取台積電股價
ma_p = stock.moving_average(stock.price, 5) # 計算五日均價
ma_c = stock.moving_average(stock.capacity, 5) # 計算五日均量
ma_p_cont = stock.continuous(ma_p) # 計算五日均價持續天數
ma_br = stock.ma_bias_ratio(5, 10) # 計算五日、十日乖離值
擷取自 2015 年 1 月至今之資料
stock = Stock('2330')
stock.fetch_from(2015, 1)
>>> stock = Stock('2330')
>>> stock.price
[203.5, 203.0, 205.0, 205.0, 205.5, 207.0, 207.0, 203.0, 207.0, 209.0, 209.0, 212.0, 210.5, 211.5, 213.0, 212.0, 207.5, 208.0, 207.0, 208.0, 211.5, 213.0, 216.5, 215.5, 218.0, 217.0, 215.0, 211.5, 208.5, 210.0, 208.5]
>>> stock.capacity
[22490217, 17163108, 17419705, 23028298, 18307715, 26088748, 32976727, 67935145, 29623649, 23265323, 1535230, 22545164, 15382025, 34729326, 21654488, 35190159, 63111746, 49983303, 39083899, 19486457, 32856536, 17489571, 28784100, 45384482, 26094649, 39686091, 60140797, 44504785, 52273921, 27049234, 31709978]
>>> stock.data[0]
Data(date=datetime.datetime(2017, 5, 18, 0, 0), capacity=22490217, turnover=4559780051, open=202.5, high=204.0, low=201.5, close=203.5, change=-0.5, transaction=6983)
>>> import twstock
>>> print(twstock.codes) # 列印台股全部證券編碼資料
>>> print(twstock.codes['2330']) # 列印 2330 證券編碼資料
StockCodeInfo(type='股票', code='2330', name='台積電', ISIN='TW0002330008', start='1994/09/05', market='上市', group='半導體業', CFI='ESVUFR')
>>> print(twstock.codes['2330'].name) # 列印 2330 證券名稱
>>> print(twstock.codes['2330'].start) # 列印 2330 證券上市日期
from twstock import Stock
from twstock import BestFourPoint
stock = Stock('2330')
bfp = BestFourPoint(stock)
bfp.best_four_point_to_buy() # 判斷是否為四大買點
bfp.best_four_point_to_sell() # 判斷是否為四大賣點
bfp.best_four_point() # 綜合判斷
import twstock
twstock.realtime.get('2330') # 擷取當前台積電股票資訊
twstock.realtime.get(['2330', '2337', '2409']) # 擷取當前三檔資訊
twstock was created by Louie Lu <[email protected]>
Contributing were welcome, please use GitHub issue and Pull Request to contribute!
歡迎協作,請使用 GitHub issue 以及 Pull Request 功能來協作。