Contributors | Github |
Bruhat Musunuru | @bruhatM |
Siqi Zhou | @roycezhou |
Chun Chieh(Jason) Chang | @jachang0628 |
Our app aims to present the statistics of people who worked in the tech sector and their views and intiatives taken on mental illness as well as workplace benefits regarding mental illness across different countries and time. We hope that by presenting these statistics, employers around the world can stop overlooking the issue of mental illness and create a less stress-inducing work environment.
This APP has a dashboard that summarizes the information given by the participants who took the mental health survey. In the right panel, there are 4 bar plots to represent the proportion of participants based on country, family history of mental illness, workplace benefits, and whether the individual sought any help. In addition, the distributions of family history, sought help, and workplace benefits are further separated by gender. On the left panel, the user can utilize the filters to filter for the countries that he or she is interested in. Given the selected countries, the distributions of the plots will change accordingly. In addition, the user can also filter the data given dates to see whether there are changes in distributions among the above relationships over time. With these information, we hope to present the users on which country has the highest rate of mental illness in the tech industry as well as whether the employers take this issue seriously. In addition, the user can also see whether the tech industries' view on mental illness as well as the rate of mental illness changed over time given the selected countries.
Access dashboard at
Step 1:
Clone this repository to your local PC.
Step 2:
Create a conda environment using environment.yaml at the root of this project.
conda env create --file environment.yaml
Step 3:
Activate a conda environment by running the following command at the root directory of the project.
conda activate dash_env
Step 4:
Go to the root folder of the repo and execute python src/