Created executable can be renamed to powershellw.exe or pwshw.exe (or any other console-flashing-window) and put next to the corresponding assembly. Calls to the added assembly will be sent to a new instance of the target assembly, which is explicitly started without creating a window. Thus these flashing windows should be avoided.
You can find all the magic in Programm.cs
I have added a (cleaned up) copy of simple log ( for debugging puropse. When there is a crash in the tool you should find a log-file next to your *w.exe called *w.exe..log which contains some hopefully usefull messages.
If you need to change the log level of the tool, you can add a "*w.exe.config", and with the default values as seen in app.config in the repository. Then just update the LogLevel app-setting as you desire.
Input stream from file and output stream to file, if requested. Please tell me how you would like to use this. It would probably require a config file alongside the assembly to configure which parameters define the inputs and outputs
silent, script, hidden, console, window, command, commandline, hide