This plugin provides file hash functions ##Version 0.4.1 ##Platforms
Android | IOS | Windows |
>=5.0 | >= 8.0 | >= 10.0 |
###list of functions
md2 | md5 | sha1 | sha256 | sha384 | sha512 |
###functions usage
[window.]FileHash.<function>(<file_absolute_path>, successCallback, errorCallback);
requires an absolute path(file:// format, use cordova-plugin-file to retrieve the appfolder)
the successCallback function receives a JSON object, here is the structure of the returned object:
Object{file: "<file_absolute_path>", algo: "<algorithm>", result: "<file_hash>"}
the errorCallback function receives a JSON object, here is the structure of the returned object:
Object{code: <int_return_code>, message: "<error_description>"}
###List of error codes
code | message | additional informations |
0 | Execution Error | unknown error |
1 | Unknown Algorithm | only if you do somthing stupid with the plugin code |
2 | File not found | on IOS was also send in case of access error |
3 | File access error | no sufficents access rights or already used file |
4 | Digest error | cryptography processing error |
5 | Not implemented error | Algorithm not implemented |
###Example on Android this example uses cordova-plugin-file to retrieve the appfolder(cordova.file.applicationDirectory)
Object {file: "file:///android_asset/www/index.html", algo: "MD5",
result: "5b8a987f7d13a5afa7bb86bb2b0eab90"}
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