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Analysis of results

João Faria edited this page May 22, 2019 · 7 revisions



$ kima-showresults -h

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Using pykima to analyse the results

This page assumes that you are using the pykima package.

After (and also during) a successful run, we can analyse the results produced by the sampler.
For this, we use the kima-showresults script. This script should have been put in your PATH when you installed pykima.

To check its usage, type

$ kima-showresults -h

By default, when you run it without any argument, the script will read the three files generated by DNest4 (sample.txt, sample_info.txt and levels.txt), print some information to the terminal and create actual posterior samples (which are saved in the posterior_sample.txt file, with extra information stored in posterior_sample_info.txt).
See this page for a description of these files.

The information printed in the terminal is the (log-) evidence of the current model, the information, which gives an idea of the number of times the prior distribution was compressed by a factor of e to obtain the posterior distribution, and the effective sample size, which corresponds to the number of saved particles with a significant posterior weight. The posterior_sample.txt file will contain a number of posterior samples equal to the effective sample size.

More results plots

Other graphics can be generated by providing arguments to the kima-showresults script:

$ kima-showresults rv phase planets orbital gp extra
  • rv will plot posterior realizations of the model over the RV measurements
  • phase will also plot phase curves, assuming the maximum likelihood solution
  • planets will plot the posterior distribution for the number of planets
  • orbital will plot posteriors for some of the orbital parameters (the semi-amplitude, eccentricity, and orbital period)
  • gp will plot the posteriors for the GP hyperparameters (if the model has a GP component)
  • extra will plot the posteriors for fiber offset, systematic velocity, and extra white noise

Note: you can get more granularity and show just one specific plot by providing numbered arguments to kima-showresults.

Interactive analysis

It is also possible to import pykima from the Python interpreter and call its showresults() function with any of the options above. Again, this can be done as the code is running, in order to get real-time diagnostics.
Calling this function from the console, as in

>>> res = pykima.showresults()

will work as before and return a variable called res which holds a number of diagnostics and methods. For example, res.make_plot1(), etc will plot the same graphics as above, and the numpy array res.posterior_sample contains all the posterior samples.

To get diagnostic plots from the DNest4 samples (to check if the sampler is doing ok) call kima-showresults as

kima-showresults diagnostic

which will display three plots

  • the level of each saved particle
    which should show an initial increasing trend, as new levels are added, followed by an exploration of all levels uniformly. The maximum number of levels is set by the respective parameter in the OPTIONS file, or determined automatically by the algorithm. The quality of the sampling usually increases with more steps spent in the uniform exploration of all the levels.

  • the second plot shows the compression between levels in the top, which should be close to -1 if the sampler is doing ok (see Brewer et al. 2011), and in the bottom the Metropolis acceptance fraction for the levels. A value around 20% or higher is usually a good sign.

  • in the third plot, we see the log-likelihood versus the enclosed prior mass of each sample, and the positions where new levels were created. Sometimes this plot will show the presence of phase transitions — concave-up regions in the log(L) vs log(X) curve — see Skilling (2006) for more details about this issue. The bottom panel shows the posterior weights of the samples. There should be at least one peak in this plot, but the existence of phase transitions could originate other smaller peaks.