Simple monitoring for Axpert/Voltronic type inverters via a connected Raspberry Pi. No MQTT needed.
- Download, build and install Manio's inverter poller:
- Test and make sure you can poll your inverter (poller returns results).
- Recommended - install and run log2ram to save your SD card since polling writes to disk very frequently -
- A web server with PHP installed, serving files from "/var/www/html". I recommend Lighttpd.
- Copy and monitorconfig.json to same directory as inverter poller.
- Copy InverterMonitor.php, InverterMonitor.png and loader.js to "/var/www/html" directory.
- Run "chmod +x ./inverter_poller" to make executable.
- Run "chmod +x ./" to make executable.
- Edit "/etc/log2ram.conf" and add the "/var/www/html/im" directory to cache it to RAM.
- Execute by running "./ &". The ampersand lets the script run in the background. To terminate it, find the PID with "pidof -x", then "kill x", where x is the PID returned.
- Edit monitorconfig.json (applies only to web-monitor) - Set your inverter model and battery count here (battery count used in voltage calculation).
- Edit inverter.conf (you should not need to, interval here does not apply).
Use with included PHP web-monitor. This is a webpage showing your inverter data that auto-resfreshes every 10 seconds. Simply navigate to http://yourraspberrypi/InverterMonitor.php
Use with IOT Dashboard:
IOT Dashboard must fetch data from:
- http://yourraspberrypi/im/data.json - Inverter data
- http://yourraspberrypi/im/poll.json - Last poll time/date
It can also fetch graph data:
- http://yourraspberrypi/im/load_history.json - Load percentage history
- http://yourraspberrypi/im/temp_history.json - Temperature history
- http://yourraspberrypi/im/ac_in_history.json - Grid AC input voltage history
- http://yourraspberrypi/im/batt_history.json - Battery discharge amperage history
You can create your own graphs by editing and grepping different values of interest.
NOTE: IOT Dashboard requires extensive configuration to parse the JSON data, so be prepared for trial and error.
Install ZerotierOne on your Pi and mobile device to be able to monitor your inverter from anywhere, not just your local network. You'll need to bridge your LAN/WLAN and Zerotier interface on the Pi. More info here:
- Acknowledgements to the original inverter poller developer:
- Acknowledgements to the developer of IOT Dashboard: