Custom control that can be used as a rating tool for any kind of content. It comes with two kinds of buttons: star and rectangular. You can also choose between single and multiple selection modes. Number of displayed buttons and selection mode can be controlled using IB insepector. Have fun
* Create a copy of JMCRatingControl.swift to your project * Open a storyboard and add an UIView to the screen * Change it's class to RectangleRatingView or StarRatingView * Use the storyboard to control number of displayed buttons * Use the storyboard to control if the view will have a single selection mode or multippleYou can create your own buttons if needed. To do it create a subclass of SelectButton class and a JMCRatingView
Subclassing button example:
/**Rectangular button displaying it's index */
class RectangularButton:SelectButton{
/**label will be displaying index*/
let label = UILabel()
override var selected:Bool{
willSet(newValue) {
override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
override func setupView() {
backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor()
label.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
label.centerXAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(centerXAnchor).active = true
label.centerYAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(centerYAnchor).active = true
label.widthAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(widthAnchor).active = true
label.heightAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(widthAnchor).active = true
label.textColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
label.textAlignment = .Center
label.text = "\(self.index)"
override func drawShape(frame frame: CGRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100), selected:Bool = false) {
label.backgroundColor = UIColor.lightGrayColor()
label.backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor()
The only thing you have to do in a JMCRatingView's subclass is to register which Class will be used to display the button
/**Displays rectangles with numbers */
class RectangleRatingView:JMCRatingView {
/**Override the setup view to specify the type of button you want to use in the application*/
override func setupView() {
//Set the button type
self.clazz = StarButton.self
Enjoy it!
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