API service for a car rental platform where users can rent out their vehicles as well as rent vehicles of other users. Inspired by the AirBnB platform.
- Python programming language
- FastAPI - Really fast python library for building APIs
- PostgreSQL database
- JWT for authentication
- Brevo for sending mail because it is free and easy to setup
- BetterStack for log monitoring <3
- Users can create an account that allows them serve as host and renter depending on context
- User can add their vehicles to rent out with important information like; name, model, type, pricing, description, location, color, engine information, photos etc
- user can update vehicle information
- User can see list of vehicles they own and can filter by status i.e active, reserved, available(see detail here)
- User can see history of a vehicle. e.g when a vehicle was added, booked, when it became active, when it became available, when it was canceled etc
- user can confirm or cancel reservation
- User can find vehicles they want to rent by running a quick search or seeing catalogs of vehicles. This can be sorted by location, vehicle name, model, color, price etc
- User can book a vehicle by submitting rent and return date. User cannot reserve a vehicle that has been reserved at a set date and time
- user can cancel booking
- User can see rental history
- Create account /auth/register [POST]
- Login /auth/login [POST]
- Current user /auth/me [GET]
- Forgot password /auth/forgot-password/reset-link [POST]
- Reset password /auth/forgot-password/validate [POST]
- Reset password /auth/forgot-password/update [POST]
- Change password /user/change-password [POST]-[HOST,GUEST]
- get user's profile /user/profile/:id [GET]-[HOST/GUEST]
- get current user's vehicles /user/me/vehicles [GET]-[HOST/GUEST]
- update profile /user/profile [PUT]-[HOST/GUEST]
- create /vehicles [POST]-[HOST]
- list /vehicles?status=[available / active / unavailable] [GET]
- upload vehicle photos /vehicles/:id/upload [POST][HOST]
- vehicle detail /vehicles/:id [GET]
- update vehicle detail /vehicles/:id [PUT]-[HOST]
- delete /vehicles/:id [DELETE]-[HOST]
- vehicle reservations /vehicles/:id/bookings [GET]
- make a booking /bookings [POST]-[GUEST]
- cancel booking /bookings/:id/cancel [PUT]-[HOST,GUEST]
- update booking /bookings/:id [PUT]
- booking detail /bookings/:id [GET]
- confirm a booking /bookings/:id/confirm [PUT][HOST] booking status = canceled, confirmed
This project requires a .env
file in the project root. Rename the env.sample
to .env
# file - .env
# Database connection
# Mailing - https://www.brevo.com/
# Logging - https://betterstack.com/
# install all dependencies
pdm install
# run app
pdm run start
- refresh token
- move from id to uuid
- email template
- change user_crud.handle_get_current_user to jwt_utils.verify_access_token(token)
- find a way to use middleware to implment token verification
- Containerize using Docker
- Reviews and rating system