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Alexey Skoryatin edited this page Oct 19, 2015 · 13 revisions



buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.8'

apply plugin: ''

dependencies {
    compile 'net.xkor.genaroid:core:1.2.4'
    apt 'net.xkor.genaroid:compiler:1.2.4'

Available Annotations


The @ViewById annotation indicates that an activity field should be bound with the corresponding View component from the layout. It is the same as calling the findViewById() method. The view id must be set in the annotation parameter, ie @ViewById(

Usage example:

public class MyActivity extends Activity {
    private TextView labelView;


You can save the instance state of your activity or fragment when it is destroyed by annotating your attributes :

public class MyActivity extends Activity {
    private int someField;

The attributes values are automatically saved when the system call onSaveInstanceState(Bundle). All of those values are restored when onCreate(Bundle) is called by the system.


The @BuilderParam annotation indicates that an activity or fragment field should be injected with the corresponding Extra from the Intent that was used to start the activity or Fragment Arguments. You must add annotation @GActivity or @GFragment to class if you want use @BuilderParam in it.

Usage example:

public class MyActivity extends Activity {
    String defaultLogin;

    @BuilderParam(value = "defaultPassword", optional = true)
    String defaultPass;

If you do not provide any value for the @BuilderParam annotation, the name of the field will be used as key in a Bundle.

You can use the generated builder to pass field values:

new MyActivityBuilder(this, "default login").defaultPass("default pass").start();

By default a field is considered requilred and it must be set in the builder constructor. But you can mark it as optional and Genaroid will append a setter method for it: @BuilderParam(optional = true). The setter method in the generated builder will always have the same name as the argument. By default, the key used to bind the value is the field name, but you can change it by providing a value to the @BuilderParam annotation: @BuilderParam("defaultPassword").

@GActivity and @GFragment

Annotate your activities and fragments with @GActivity or @GFragment to generating builders for it. Also you can set layout in the annotation value parameter. By default in the first activity (or fragment) in class hierarchy annotated with @GActivity (or @GFragment) will be injected Genaroid calls for all methods. But you can set annotation injectCalls parameter to can add its manualy.

  • InjectGenaroidCall.ALL - all calls will be injected, this is default value;
  • InjectGenaroidCall.NONE - no calls will not be injected;
  • InjectGenaroidCall.BIND - Genaroid.bind will be injected to onContentChanged method of activity or to onViewCreated method of fragment, Genaroid.unbind will be injected to onDestroyView method of fragment;
  • InjectGenaroidCall.INSTANCE_STATE - Genaroid.saveInstanceState will be injected to onSaveInstanceState method of activity or fragment, Genaroid.restoreInstanceState will be injected to onCreate method of activity or fragment;
  • InjectGenaroidCall.READ_PARAMS - Genaroid.readParams will be injected to onCreate method of activity or fragment and to onNewIntent method of activity;
  • InjectGenaroidCall.INFLATE_LAYOUT - Genaroid.setContentView will be injected to onCreate method of activity, method onCreateView of fragment will be overrided to return layout from annotation @GFragment: Genaroid.inflate(this, inflater, container)


Currently, Genaroid supports the following events on views:

The view id must be set in the annotation parameter, ie @OnClick( If the same method handles multiple views, multiple view ids can be given in the following format: @OnClick({,}).

The method may have any parameters of listener method, but their order should be equal with order of listener method parameters. Two or more different methods can handle the same view, but order of calls can be random.

Usage example:

private void myButtonWasClicked() {

private void handlesTwoButtons(View button) {

private void onItemClick(View view, int position) {

private void onItemClickById(View view, long id) {


You can define your events that will work like built-in events of Genaroid. It is very simple. You need only create a new annotation and annotate it with @Retention, @Target and @CustomListener:

        targetClass = AdapterView.class,
        listenerClass = AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener.class,
        listenerSetterName = "setOnItemSelectedListener",
        listenerMethodName = "onNothingSelected")
public @interface OnNothingSelected {
    @IdRes int[] value();

You must set following parameters of annotation @CustomListener:

  • targetClass - class of view that contains setter method for event listener;
  • listenerClass - class of event listener;
  • listenerSetterName - a name of setter method for event listener;
  • listenerMethodName - a name of listener method that should be used, can be omitted if listener contains only one method;

The new annotation must contains only one parameter with name value and type int[].